T-Value on location dimension is wrong
<< Markus Steiner -- 03/26/09 10:32:10>>
See attached part program
Steps to reproduce:
- measure some features
- align
- insert locators
T value on location dimension is wrong (like in machine coordinates)
<< Don Turcotte -- 03/30/09 11:44:59>>
I have modified the fix for #239137 so that if the feature is measured manually and is used in an alignment, then this alignment is used in the evaluation of the T value, otherwise the alignment that the feature was measured in is used.
I also found that the following four files were mistakenly omitted in the V432 merge for #239137. I have merged these fixes into V432.
Files inserted to server
Fixed in V432 and V44B.
Files inserted to server
Note that none of the fixes for #239137 nor for this PR are in V42 MR3 (or any V42 MR release).
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 03/30/09 11:45:39>>
Action: Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Don Turcotte -- 03/26/09 17:18:16>>
This is being caused by the fix for #239137.
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 03/26/09 08:42:03>>
Action: Tim Wernicke to Don Turcotte, Assigned: to Don Turcotte, Priority: to Stop Rel.
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