next y14.5
does anyone have a clue when the next version of y14.5 is coming out?
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it's not on asme's public review page
i did. they either don't know or won't say. there have been comments made by posters to this forum (mechnorth is one i can think of off the top of my head) about changes discussed by the committee for the next revision. i thought someone with that information might have inside knowledge and be able to give ther rest of us a hint.
one change that i know of is an update to the profile tolerance callout. my understanding is that y14.5 was not yet ready for a revision at the time, so they included it in y14.41, and it should also show up when y14.5 is updated.
1982 ... 1994 ... maybe 2006?
systems analyst, i.s.
solidworks 06 4.1/pdmworks 06
autocad 06
hello gents,
i have associates working on the y14.5 committee, and others doing support work for them, so i've caught tidbits over the last few years. last i heard, they were targetting 2007, though that could slip again. it is a substantial rewrite with a number of additions, and probably some deletions as well. as i understand it, the surface profile will be elevated in importance and better detailed and discussed, which should bring it on a par with position. i haven't seen the final version of y14.41, but i believe the reference above was to the circle-u symbol used in the fcf to indicate the distribution of an unequal bilateral surface profile. i seem to re |