1.) Here's another perspective... starting in 3.6 beta (but not 3.6 released), an AutoCone's vector always points out from the vertex. This is unlike an AutoCylinder where (vector = 0,0,1 & length/height = 10) is equivalent to (vector = 0,0,-1 & length/height = -10)
For those who are familiar with the old B&S demoblock (and the Hexagon demoblock), the inside cone there has a vector of 0,0,1. The Hexagon block's stud has a vector of 0,0,-1. (Think about where the vertex is, and then think about where you want to measure)
From the help: "For Circle, Cylinder, Sphere, and Cone Features, the IJK Normal Vec boxes define the feature centerline. A cone's vector is very important and always points out from the origin. The height and depth of a cone are always relative to this vector."
2.) You can measure an AutoCone in two different ways: Top-Down or Bottom-Up. We'll use the simple internal demoblock example where the top of the block (and cone) is at Z = 0. You could define your cone from the top down, so your Z would be at 0, and the length would be -.95". Or, you could define it from the bottom up: Z= -.95, and the length = .95. Both would still have a vector of 0,0,1. So, what does Z represent? That's your defining location of your cone, and your length will be relative to that. That's also the location at which the diameter is calculated.
3.) Right, spacer is used when you have sample hits.
4.) The depth is applied closest to your Z value. So, if your defining your cone from the top down, the depth is applied from the top down. If you are defining your cone from the bottom up, your depth is applied from the bottom upwards.
5.) I believe you’ll find that the measured diameter here isn’t at the first row of hits, but rather at your Z location. This is particularly useful when you have sample hits turned on.
Hopefully this helps and doesn't make things more confusing!
-Glenn |