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发表于 2008-3-19 11:03:50
回复: PR #252185 2D best fit, least squares gives too much error
1. V43R\INFODEFALIGNMENT\info deficient.cpp
* Brent's one-dimensional minimizer finds a local minimum of a single
* argument function over a given range.
* Input
* double fminbr(ax,bx,f,tol)
* const double ax a and b, a < b, specify the interval
* const double bx the minimum is to be sought in
* UnivariateFunctor& f The function under consideration
* const double tol Acceptable tolerance for the minimum
* location. It is an optional parameter
* with default value DBL_EPSILON
* Output
* Fminbr returns an estimate to the location of the minimum
* with accuracy 3*SQRT_EPSILON*abs(x) + tol.
* The procedure can only determine a local minimum, which coincides with
* the global one if and only if the function under investigation is
* unimodular.
* If a function being examined possesses no local minimum within
* the given interval, Fminbr returns either the left or the right end
* point of the interval, wherever the function value is smaller.
* Algorithm
* G.Forsythe, M.Malcolm, C.Moler, Computer methods for mathematical
* computations. M., Mir, 1980, p.202 of the Russian edition
* The function makes use of a "golden section" procedure combined with
* a parabolic interpolation.
* At each step the code operates three abscissas - x,v, and w.
* x - the last and the best approximation to the minimum location,
* i.e. f(x) <= f(a) or/and f(x) <= f(b)
* if the function f has a local minimum in (a,b), then both
* conditions are met after one or two steps).
* v,w are previous approximations to the location of the minimum.
* They may coincide with a, b, or x (although the algorithm tries
* to make all u, v, and w distinct).
* Points x, v, and w are used to construct an interpolating parabola,
* whose minimum is regarded as a new approximation to the minimum
* of the function, provided the parabola's minimum falls within [a,b]
* and reduces the current interval [a,b] to a larger extent than the
* gold section procedure does.
* When f(x) has a positive second derivative at the point of minimum
* (which does not coincide with a or b) the procedure converges
* superlinearly at a rate of about 1.324
#define DBL_EPSILON 2.22045e-16
#define SQRT_EPSILON 1.49012e-08
int CInfoDef::fminbr(const double ax, const double bx, /* double (*calfun1)(double x),*/ const double tol,
double *xmin) // xmin is min abscissa
if (tol <= 0) // Tolerance must be positive.
return -1;
if (ax >= bx) // Left end point of the interval should be strictly less than the
return -2; // right one.
static const double r = (3. - sqrt(5.)) / 2.; // The golden section ratio
static const double sqrt_eps = SQRT_EPSILON;
double a = ax, b = bx; // Current interval
double v = a + r * (b - a); // First step - always golden section
double fv = calfun1(v);
double x = v; // the last and the best approximation
double fx = fv;
double w = v; // a previous approx to the min
double fw = fv;
for (;;) // Main iteration loop.
const double range = b - a; // Interval where the minimum is sought.
const double midpoint = (a + b) / 2.;
const double tol_act = // The effective tolerance.
sqrt_eps * fabs(x) + tol / 3.;
if (2. * fabs(x - midpoint) + range <= 4. * tol_act)
*xmin = x; // Acceptable approximation is found.
if (fabs(x - ax) < tol_act)
return 1;
else if (fabs(x - bx) < tol_act)
return 2;
return 0;
// Compute a new step with the golden section.
double new_step = r * (x < midpoint ? b - x : a - x);
// Decide on the interpolation.
if (fabs(x - w) >= tol_act) // If x and w are distinct, interpolation may be tried.
register double p; // Interpolation step is calculated as p/q; division operation
register double q; // is delayed until last moment.
register double t;
t = (x - w) * (fx - fv);
q = (x - v) * (fx - fw);
p = (x - v) * q - (x - w) * t;
q = 2 * (q - t);
if (q > 0 ) // Formulas above computed new_step
p = -p; // = p/q with a wrong sign (on purpose).
else // Correct this, but in such a way so
q = -q; // that q would be positive
if (fabs(p) < fabs(new_step * q) && // If x+p/q falls in [a,b] and is not
p > q * (a - x + 2. * tol_act) && // too close to a and b, and isn't
p < q * (b - x - 2. * tol_act)) // too large, it is accepted
new_step = p / q;
// If p/q is too large then the golden section procedure would
// reduce [a,b] to larger extent.
if (fabs(new_step) < tol_act) // Adjust the step to be not less than tolerance.
new_step = new_step > 0 ? tol_act : -tol_act;
// Obtain the next approximation to min and reduce the encompassing interval.
register const double t = x + new_step; // Tentative point for the min
register const double ft = calfun1(t);
if (ft <= fx)
{ // t is a better approximation.
(t < x ? b : a) = x; // Reduce the interval so that
v = w; // t would fall within it.
w = x;
x = t; // Assign the best approx to x.
fv = fw;
fw = fx;
fx = ft;
else // x remains the better approx.
(t < x ? a : b ) = t; // Reduce the interval encompassing x.
if (ft <= fw || w == x)
v = w;
w = t;
fv = fw;
fw = ft;
else if (ft <= fv || v == x || v == w)
v = t, fv = ft;
} // end fminbr |