Under Dimension, Profile, there is no dialog to specify for "rojection Distance"
<< Sea Chia Hui -- 07/29/04 16:24:13>>
Under Dimension, Profile, there is no dialog to specify for "rojection Distance". WHY???
Use to be possible in v32
<< Wade Burton -- 08/03/04 16:26:37>>
In earlier versions it would allow you to specify a datum plane, and then try to fix the location of the curve at a fixed position from that plane. It didn't work well at all, and our improvements with the form and location option made this obsolete. It has been removed by design, not just as an oversight.
<< Changes made by Wade Burton -- 08/03/04 16:26:54>>
Action: Wade Burton to Sea Chia Hui, Status: MOREINFO to CLOSED
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 08/03/04 14:28:01>>
Action: Don Turcotte to Wade Burton, Status: OPEN to MOREINFO
<< Don Turcotte -- 08/03/04 14:27:48>>
Do you know what Projection Distance on Profile Dimensions did in V3.2 (if anything). I don't understand how Projection Distance would apply to Profile Dimensions.
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 07/29/04 09:06:10>>
Category: application to GD&T, Action: Tim Wernicke to Don Turcotte, Assigned: to Don Turcotte, Priority: to Medium
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