designer to stress
i am leaving design for the stress group next year...
any texts/manuals/handbooks that are essential or just handy to have?
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of course it depends on who you talk to, but the following are some excellent resources:
"analysis and design of flight vehicle structures" by e.f. bruhn. last printed in 1973 but still available from many sources. the "bible" of airplane stress analysis. also try to get a copy of bill mccombs' supplement to bruhn "for increased scope and usefulness".
handy to have:
"airframe stress analysis and sizing" by michael c.y. niu. isbn 962-7128-08-2. look for the second edition (1999)which corrects several errors compared to the first edition.
"practical stress analysis for design engineers" by jean-claude flabel. isbn 0-9647014-0-5. a good entry-level book for stress analysts.
there are many others, of course, depending on your particular emphasis. roark's book of stress/strain equations, peterson's book on stress concentrations etc.
ask the senior engineers in your new stress group which references they use the most in the office; that's probably going to be your best guide.
good luck.
thanks...appreciate you taking the time to write. |