about temporary work of building bridge or structure
i believe what you are asking about is falsework or shoring. the details of falsework are usually designed specifically for each project by the contractor who is tasked with erecting the superstructure for a bridge. the type of falsework required depends on the type of superstructure and also on the method of erection.
if you can share a more detailed account of what you plan to build and how, then i or other members of this forum can help you choose the right type of falsework for your bridge and guide you to resources you might need to design it.
c chong,
i would just like to caution you against trying to design bridge falsework or other temporary work if you have no personal experience in the field, and if you do not have access to a senior supervising engineer who has substantial experience in that type of work.
just remember that fatal accidents due to falsework failures are all too common. many of them have been due to incompetent engineering. it is not the sort of work that should be undertaken by beginners. |