aisc beam-column tables
in the 13th manual on page 6-5, there are beam-column selection tables based on section h of the specification. it also describes the use of these tables on pages 6-3 and 6-4 by plugging directly into the h1 equations and checking versus unity.
what i don't see is any mention of applying the b1 amplifier according to chapter c, or some other method of including second order effects between brace points. the comments on pages 6-3 and 6-4 basically say just check the h1 equations and that is it. i could see ignoring second order effects if the pc/pr ratio is low, but the comments to the tables also mention using the table values directly when pc/pr > 0.2.
all moments used for any strength check should already include any magnification effects due to member slenderness or sway. code-wise, chapter b requires that the general analysis and design of all
in hindsight now it is obvious since "mrx, mry" is shown in the equations on page 6-4, which as defined by c2-1a as including second order effects. |