any web site about total communication infrastructure ?
my project invovle into the communication steel structure such as antena, mass tower ect. need some information about them. thanks.
get cut sheets from the antenna manufacturers. they usually have the wind loading on them. there is a seperate design code for this type of stuff. i dont re
i've got a set of bid documents for a tower that references ansi/eia/tia-222-f-1996 and astm a-123. perhaps one or both of those is applicable. (the second one may be the galvanizing standard).
tower, monopole, antenna, headframe etc.
it seem to me that there is no website about them.
can you be more specific as to what you need? are you in the us? if so, most building codes reference (or defer to) the ansi/tia/eia-222-f for steel antenna supporting structures.
is your need for broadcast, 2-way, cellular(wireless), wifi, or other?
will it involve a stand alone structure, or will it incorporate a structure of another type such as a building, power line, etc?
will you be involved with the structure or antenna erection? or design of same?
i m in australia. both my supervisors will do the tci design of personnal broadband and medium rise-building.
i am almost involved in concrete and steel structures of building but not in steel antennas etc. |