ave frost depth for louisiana
i have to deisgn a general house foundation whcih can be used anywhere in louisiana. shall i show bottom of footing below or at frost line . or somebody has better idea than this.or knows maximum frost depth in that state
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frost depth here in the dallas area is pretty negligible, and i assume northern louisiana would be similar- other factors would determine minimum frost depth.
a couple of maps turned up by a quick google search:
you may want to call a local building official in the northern section of louisiana. the first link above indicated central ohio's frost depth is 20" and the second link indicated 36". the central ohio jurisdictions all use 32" and the couties to the north use 34" to 36" - depending on who you talk to.
don phillips
i've got a map here that shows the source as us geologic survey, reprinted from asce 7-05, but i'm not seeing that in my asc 7 itself. anyway, it shows northern louisiana being between the 5" and 10" lines.
as don said - call the local building official. |