beam calculation
i hope someone can help thro the calculation necessary to determine the size of an i beam or other section. 20 years ago i used to do it but no longer remember. so if i have a beam say 3000 mm long supported at each end and want to apply a udl of 1500 kg can you take me thro it step by step please. thanks very much.
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1. factor design actions, say by 1.5:
w = 15 kn/m
w* = (1.5)x(15) = 22.5 kn/m
2. calculate design action effects:
m* = [(22.5)x(3)^2]/8 = 25.3 knm
v* = [(22.5)x(3)]/2 = 3.8 kn
3. choose trial section
4. check section capacity, i.e. will memeber yield
5. check member capacity, i.e. will member buckle
6. check moment and shear interaction
7. calculate deflection
d = (5 x w x l^4)/(384 x e x i)
8. check against allowable deflection, say l/250 |