building a structural library
i am in the process of building upon my civil/structural engineering library. i was looking for some suggestions on key textbooks for subjects such as structural analysis, structural steel design, concrete design, foundation design, soils engineering, etc. additionally, are there any books that i should stay away from? thanks in advance.
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decent place to start is
some of my favorites:
manual of steel construction, american institute if steel construction
design of welded structures, lincoln welding institute
stay away from reinforced concrete design by leet and bernal. one of my college textbooks, and it is horrible.
the best books are the ones you've read, understand and can find your way around in; add field experiance and then you have a career. i have a lot of reference books, but there are only one or two in each subject that i really rely on and one of them is usually the code book covering the topic.
the book i have used the most in my work is "formulas for stress and strain" by roark.
the book has been re-edited by warren young, and its formulas have been included in a software package(
add to the list aws d1.1, 1.3 and 1.4 for srtuctural steel, reinforcing steel and sheet steel welding code,
at the risk of forgetting a couple of references, i believe i could survive with the following:
a statics textbook.
a mechanics of materials textbook.
"foundation design" by teng.
"reinforced concrete design" by wang and salmon.
aci 318.
hilti or rawl catalog.
"reinforced masonry engineering handbook" by amrhein
"steel structures - design and behavior" by salmon and
aisc manual (asd and lrfd).
vulcraft deck catalog.
vulcraft joist catalog.
dietrich catalog.
nds for wood construction.
simpson catalog.
"minimum design loads for buildings and other structures."
yes some good texts and reference to start.
- strength of materials, timoshenko
- parti elementary theories and problems.
- partii advanced theory and problems.
- theory of elastic stability.
- structural analysis, ghali & neville.
& - introductory structural analysis with matrix
methods, c.k. wang.
& - structural analysis on microcomputers, c.k. wang.
& - structural analysis using virtual work, f. thompson
g.g. haywood.
& - stress, stability, and chaos in structural
engineering, an energy approach, m.s el naschie.
these have helped us alot and we use them on a continual basis. can not emphasize the importance of subscriptions to professional journals of structural engineering as backbone of any structural library, start building this part of your reference library right away.
i agree that dave atkins list looks good but i would add a few books.
foundation analysis and design by bowles
finite elements by weaver and johnston(?)
civil engineering handbook by fredrick merrit
structural engineering handbook by gaylord and gaylord
the steel book by salmon and johnston, and the concrete book by wang and salmon are mainstays at most us schools i know.
thanks for all the good responses. if anyone has any more recommendations... |