calculating joint slippage
does anybody know of any references for calculating the deflection of timber truss split ring connections.
i would think that split ring connectors in wood would have very little, if any, slippage. they are basically ring "teeth" that grip the wood quite securely.
do you know if there is truly slip in these things?
here's my situation, i have a truss where the
see table 21.5 at this link:
thanks, exactly what i need.
way to go slide...
are those values in meters? it's pretty small. if so, then the split rings don't move much...
the actual slippage per joint is not much, however on the big picture the joint slippage is probably around 50% or more of the truss deflection. in fact one of the papers i have read the actual joint slippage is around 7 times the
thanks, jae. i have a 1940's document on my website titled "fabricating teco timber connector structures" that has some information on split ring connectors, but slippage is not discussed. the document is on this page: |