design of quay walls in block construction
i am looking for a good reference on designing concrete quay walls (bulkhead with several pieces of concrete block). i am using this in a large mega-yacht marina facility as the entrance piece from fixed finger piers. any examples of the design will also be very helpful. this quay wall will be supported on rubble fill of quarry rock and is about 10 meters (32.8 ft) tall with quarry run rock on the earth side and ofcourse water on the other side.
here are my concerns:
1) waterproofing between joints
2) coefficient of friction between the diff pieces of blocks
3) coefficient of friction between the base block and the quarry rock.
4) what are the forces that this wall needs to be designed for
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one method
build the walls fill with clean rock, no fines and grout the lot to make a concrete .grout can be of any strength you like. this will make a concrete with similar strengths to normal concretes..
waterproofs and provides full structural support at the same time. you will probably have to grout the sea face of the blocks first to provide a seal before doing the inside grout or it will leak through the blocks. this can be done throughout the rock or just for a few ft behind the blocks.
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