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for aisc, which method, lrfd, or asd, should one use

发表于 2009-9-9 13:11:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
for aisc, which method, lrfd, or asd, should one use ? ?
for aisc, which method, lrfd, or asd, should one use ?
i am a structural engineer in the oil and gas industry, in aberdeen, scotland, u.k.
in this industry we use some of the american codes, e.g. the aisc codes.
asd is the allowable stress design. i have the 'green book', 9th edition, dated 1997.
has this method been replaced by lrfd ?
presumably this is a load factor design method ?
when did this method come out ?
is asd still valid ?
which of these 2 codes is the most commonly used code, in the u.s.a. ?
in terms of column design ( combined compression, and bending ), is there any difference between the methods in these 2 codes, aside from load factoring ?
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in us we use asd as well as lrfd. us building code allows to use either one.
it is better to use method that you are familiar with.
lrfd is more advanced, so you might get smaller sections for the same load.
on another hand, california requires that schools and hospitals to be designed using asd, since it has larger factor of safety.
good luck.
i am old school. i am well versed in the asd. it works fine for me. i only use lrfd only if my clients direct me to use it.
lrfd never picked up the momentum in the us. i am not sure why. there are several factors one of which is the engineering graduates of the late 70s and early 80s,were not educated in the use of lrfd. as humans we become comfortable in what we use and refuse to change. another reason is asd has performed well for steel design in the us, which made lots of engineers ask why change now.
aisc attempted repeatedly to encourage the use of lrfd and the success rate is not as they desired.
i maintain that once recent college graduates center the market, they will force the market to use what they have been educated and trained on.
bottom line, use the method that you feel comfortable with and one that you can substantiate results.
asd is always valid. lrfd (load resistance factor design) is the new method and is slowly begining to find its way in since, as whymrg mentioned, can lead to some savings in material.
i dont know if you are at the offshore or onshore end of the oil industry, but the api code for offshore platforms (the latest i worked with 1993) does not (did not) recomend lrfd or lfd.
in column design, as long as you apply the appropriat factors to loads and material strength the idea is the same. a book by salmon and johnson titled "steel structures, design and behaviour" is a good source. i am sure there are many others.
asd is perfered in the industry for many reasons. it is known to all the steel detailers and there software is set up for it. more over lrfd is not allowed in many areas because it has a building safty design factor that is marginal. in other words asd is safer all around. in areas with high winds, earthquakes or costal storms i would not use lrfd do to the weaker safter margins. example for 30 cents you can use a 3/8 shear tab verses a 1/4 shear tab for most shear tabs. a 3/8 shear tab will take almost 1/3
more twisting in a high wind. thus is it safer. also a better weld will develop when the shear tab is welded. both items increase the proformence of the building package.
what some people call a weaker margin others call a more efficient design...
the codes establish minimums.  nothing stops you from doubling the size of everything just to be safe.  the question is how safe is safe enough?  if lrfd yields smaller   
joecandraw - i have to respectfully disagree with you.  lrfd is not, and never has been, significantly less safe than asd.  
one proof - for a structure with a very high amount of live load relative to dead load, the safety factor on the design would approach 1.6/0.9 = 1.777 for flexure while in asd it is 1/0.6 = 1.666.  
lrfd is simply a better way to weigh the differing variabilities in loads and resistance in a statistical manner.  asd is simply a selected safety factor regardless of the variability of the applied loads or resistance.  so in once sense, asd is less safe in that it doesn't consider these valid variabilities.
both lrfd and asd have been fully adopted in the international building codes in the us and in fact, aisc will soon present its new combined lrfd/asd specification where asd has been finally upgraded to reflect current research and knowledge.  this will make asd a bit more cumbersome to use but granted, many us engineers prefer to stay with what they've used for the majority of their careers.
i agree with lutfi that over time, lrfd will become more dominant as the engineers who use asd will retire.
there is big resistance from the building industry in the us for embracing lrfd, not becasue lrfd is unsafer. lutfi has explained why.
asd's safety factor is not necessarily a "safety factor", it could turn out to be an "unsafety factor", because asd treats all types of loads as one type which has been proven to be wrong based on statistical studies.
for regular beam design, it does not matter whether you use asd or lrfd, but if you have unusual situations asd manual can not help you. example, if a contractor asked you to evaluate of an existing plate bending in strong axis, what do you say to the contractor? that i do not how to do it? there are many structures (existing or new), asd will prove to be unsafe, but in fact they are not.
caoranger did a good job explaining.
on positive note, lrfd resolved the long standing debate regarding the use of 33% stress increase (which in my opinion was abused by many engineers). when using factored loads we totally do away with the need to increase stresses by 33%.
it bothered me to no end that engineers were increasing allowable stress by 33% when they had dead load and wind loads acting!
thanks for all your comments.
the reason why i am so interested is because i am writing a spreadsheet, to do aisc asd combined bending and compression design.
you have all convinced me that the asd design has still got a very good future.
my opinions are as follows :-
1) both our steel and reinforced concrete codes in britain are load factor ( or as we say limit state )i have never liked these methods. it seeems to me to be ridiculous to go to all the effort to have different load type factors, when the materials used have such a large strength variation, especially concrete.
2) i dont think their is sufficient difference in the load factors to justify them, e.g. :-
a) dead + live = 1.4gk + 1.6qk
b) dead + live + wind = 1.2gk + 1.2qk + 1.2wk
basically i believe that it has become unecessarily complicated ( numerous load combinations ), and i don't believe that it has succeeded in saving much material.
as you will know, the uk's allowable stress steel design code - bs449 has not been withdrawn.
i've used the uk ultimate limit state code - bs5950 for all of my career and have only checked other peoples calulations done to bs449.
i take issue with your comment on the magnitude of the partial safety factors. 1.4gk+1.6qk can be very different to 1.2(gk+qk+wk). also don't forget 1.4(gk+wk) and 1.0gk+1.4wk....
the main point is, we work out the effects of the different uls load combinations then design for the worst case. in many cases the worst case is blindingly obvious and then there is only one case to consider!
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