can anyone cite to me a quick reference that deals with honeycombs, sizes, repair methods and acceptability guidelines?
much appreciated
check out our whitepaper library.
you might find your information on this website. it's a little hard to navigate so if you get lost go to "site" and restart. we used these people a lot and were quite satisfied with the service.
this site gives information on repairing. you will have to determine what type of core etc. you have. acceptable guidelines would depend on industry you are in but astm has a lot of information on design and testing.
sorry for not giving more details, i am talking about a "honeycomb" in concrete.
a place where i once worked subscribed to
is the honeycomb damage of a structural nature or is it appearance? how extensive is it?
repair is a matter of removing the loose honeycombed material and replacing it with a bonded patch. if appearance is not an issue, then the repair is easy, but ugly!
if appearance is an issue, then the problem is difficult... it is nearly impossible to repair a patch in a satisfactory manner. there are outfits like nawcaw that can repair surfaces to look like the original. |