how to pour wall extension??
the options you have are:-
1. pour as much as is physically possible and then use a dry pack or epoxy mortar to fill in the final part up to the ceiling once you have stuck the formwork.
2. make a hole in the ceiling above just off line of the wall and use a letterbox or birds mouth shutter.
3. pump the concrete in under pressure with a riser pipe at the top of the wall to let the air out. when concrete appears here then stop the pump.
i recommend option 1 as the simplest and cheapest.
andy machon
pouring (visitor)20 jun 02 13:55
thanks!! i'll look into those.
what about using cmu instead of concrete?
pouring (visitor)21 jun 02 10:29
the wall does see significant lateral loading so it's not a "simple" wall. i suppose it's possible but i'm much more comfortable with concrete design.
does the lateral loading affect the methods of construction listed above (sorry i should have posted about the lateral loading originally)??