light gauge steel strap bracing
how do you ensure that light gauge diagonal straps remain taught under the dead load? is it sufficient to just weld the strap to each stud, or do you have to pretension it? if you have to pretension it, how do you do that?
is this in reference to the bracing of metal stud walls in light commercial or housing?
these are load bearing walls in the office space of a fire house
we have x-braced the diagonals and secured the bracing to the metal studs with sheet metal screws with no apparent problems. we manually pull the diagonals, no kinks or loose areas.
metal strap can be directly screwed into the stud and need not be tensioned. just pulling it tout would be sufficient. i am not sure however if attaching it to every stud is a good idea. because, the idea of diagonal brace is to transfer the tensile loads to the floor (structural
suggest you talk to the light steel guys. most aust fabricators assemle in the shop and tek screw to all studs. we have researched it and found no problems. we also have tensioners (standard item) that we place on all sections to make sure sections are rigid.
les mcgrath
a little late but,
here is a web site that i ran across that might help. looks like some pretty good information.
what kind of screw are used to fix the strap to the studs ?
i am going to put a board directly to the metal studs so they should be like countersunk screws , or is it a common practice to drill and pop rivet these straps if the board is going to be applied on the frame ?
for connecting straps to metal studs use a large head tek screw.
the proper screw for counsinking material to metal stud is called a "bugle head tek screw". |