looking for a stainless steel w8 x 67# beam supplier
i know this is a shot in the dark, but does anybody know of a reputable supplier of non-welded or laser fused stainless steel beams (extruded) as follows:
qty 28 beams w8 x 67# x 8000 mm long in sa 479 tp 304
qty. 147 beams w8 x 67# x 6000 mm long in sa 479 tp 304
i found amerex products, but they are no longer producing. i also have a lead on thyssen krupp in germany, but this may be at the cusp of their limitations.
would appreciate the help.
you can try the aisc
the ssina has a listing of manufacturers and service centers
try these guys:
i am aware of aisc and ssina, i was hoping someone knew somebody with this capability. stainless-structurals offers laser fused beams, not extruded.
still looking!
extruded stainless is limited to 6" dimensions that are usually shipped from india. why not use laser fused?
extruded, non-welded, including laser fusion, is a client specification requirement (nuclear). |