masonry retaining wall - reinforcing ?
i am designing a 12' high ret. wall. the block's f'm=2000 psi. it's 12" retaining wall block which is the type with grooves cut into it for horizontal reinf. my reinf. steel's fy=60ksi. i called out for #8s @ 8" for vert. reinf. 3" from the soil side. the contractor wants to use a lesser bar. i have the horizontal reinf. i can tie to. anyone see a problem with calling for (2) #6s in each cell at the same location as the original w/ 3" between them? i am using special inspection and am going to make them tie to the horizontal steel to maintain this distance
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if the reinforcing is lap spliced, which it will likely be for a 12 foot tall wall, you could have a few cells with the equivalent of 4-#6 bars in a cell. add this to any hozizontal bars you may have in the grooves, and it doesn't leave a lot of room for grout!
in my opinion, using (2) #6's in a core is difficult. with 12" cmu, the cores are about 6" x9". trying to get grout arond a single bar in a cmu wall is difficulkt. trying to get grout around (2)#6's vertical + (2)#6 dowels or splice bars will be next to impossible. stick with the #8's
better yet, switch to a concrete wall, you will probably cut the reinforcing steel required by a 1/3.
definitely keep it to a single bar per cell for ease of placement and grouting purposes. |