modeling spread footing with tie beams
in modeling reinforced concrete building, the most usual assumption is that the support will be fully fixed. but i wonder if this is true considering that there will be a movement of the support due to soil reaction. so perhaps maybe it is between fully fixed and fully hinge condition.
if we will place a tie beam, then we would like to make the tie beam carry the moment of the spread footing thus,making the the spread footing carry the axial load only. i would like to ask any suggestion of modeling the spread footing with tie beam in staad pro ,sap or any other software..
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in staad.pro, you can model the soil-structure interaction using uni-directional springs (tenion-only/compression-only springs).
thanks for the suggestion but what id like to know is how can we model the structure in such a way that the result will show the spread footing design without the moment and the tie beam will be the one to carry the moments. if we have to model it in staad pro having a fixed support the dimension of the footing is bigger because of the moments. and if we model it with a pinned support, the footing will be smaller but the columns and beams dimensions will be bigger. |