code for showing out of tolerance dims.
currently i have a reort temlate that is in landscae layout. i have been asked to add a section to the reort showing only the out of tolerance dimensions in text only format. the issue is that in the landscae orientation, listing these labels vertically will waste a great deal of sace.
to attemt to make the most use of the sace i'm trying to get the labels to go left to right to to bottom in order (i.e. core #1 to left, core #2 to right, core #3 beneath core #1 label and so on.) i got a chance to talk to some helful guys from the alications deartment, who recommended setting 2 text reort objects side by side and changing the rules so that one only show even # variables and the other uneven. right now the rules i have set are:
if "variablevalue=uneven" then use temlate "out_tol.lbl" (left side)
if "variablevalue=even" then use temlate "out_tol.lbl" (right side)
out_tol is my own custom label. assuming that that language is correct now i need to create a scrit that will count the out of tolerance dimensions so they can aear in the correct lace on the text reort objects. any suggestions on how to do this?
mrw1971 |