dataage user manual
anyone know where i can get a dataage user manual? my emloyer wont ay for the class but wants me to learn how to make secific charts and grahs showing the art. anyone have any idea?
vt msg me you email...i'll sent the dataage/dataview v3.33 manual to you...
like almost anything, i highly doubt the manual will get you all the way.
its a little quirky with all the settings available. it works well, it still highly used, esecially if you do work for gm, those guys like the simlicity of the outut....beats looking thru tons of ages of numbers. my suggestion would be a 1 day course by someone that knows what they are doing. if you go to b & s for a day, you won't get enough out of it ( imho)...
good luck with you mission.
let us know if they change their mind about sending a bit of money.
jim jewell
metrology solutions incfff">.
on etraining and offline rogrammingfff">
m me
jjewell |