risa users
does anyone have a simple means of either setting up a template for risa or for inputting data from excel or a text file?
i have several very similar arches that only the dimensions change. i can readily export the geometry of the arch segments (break the arch into 10 equal segments) from and would like to copy the data into the coordinate values for risa and leave existing data the same. using a dxf iport into risa clears the material, section and loading information.
the simplest thing to do is to list the x and y coordinates in vertical columns in excel and literally copy and paste into the coordinate box in risa.
i do this all the time.
yes, risa is really based on a spreadsheet like input that is easy to ctrl-c and ctrl-v.
thanks... never tried the obvious... i'll try cutting and pasting information from a 'dummy' risa file to the real risa file.
dik |