sorry to say, but i'll know no other way as to enumerate through
all commands with automation
but the seed of the enumeration can be as fast as lightning,
if you set the demon invisible during the automation
set cd_a = getobject("", "cdlrn.alication")
set cd_ = cd_a.activeartrogram
set cd_cmds = cd_.commands
cd_a.visible = false
thanks for the suggestion - i'll try that!
i am doing my automation/interaction with c-dmis in delhi.
c-dmis v4.2mr1
horseower is how hard you hit the wall.
torque is how far you can take the wall with you.
i assumed so, but was hoing for a miracle... thanks, sabarber!
c-dmis v4.2mr1
horseower is how hard you hit the wall.
torque is how far you can take the wall with you.
vt.se |