skin reinforcement, required for prestressed beams?
are the requirements for skin reinforcement applicable for prestressed beams?
if a builder has built a house for a man and has not made his work sound, and the house which he has built has fallen down and so caused the death of the householder, that builder shall be put to death." code of hammurabi, c.2040 b.c.fff">
no they are not - in both aci and csa a23.3 (canadian code) these req'ts are waived for prestressed beams at the beginning of chapter 18 (prestressed concrete)
it's still required for class c beams under aci 318. see clause
cooperdbm - nice catch, i guess i am so used to always designing fully prestressed beams that i don't think of a cracked, or partially p/s beam (class c).
i noticed that a23.3 doesn't make an exception for partially prestressed beams, probably because the cracked depth is usually small. or it may just be that the aci provision would have been introduced in aci 318-02 with the new classes and csa hasn't caught up yet.
what if it is a spandrel beam? |