structural analysis program - strap
has anyone used the structural analysis program called "strap"?
i am just looking for something that will do moment frames and other small type analysis, not real complex systems
any input is appreciated
check out our whitepaper library.
i herd about strap and evaluated a demo.
i own a licence of avansse ( www.avansse.com ) and i am very happy with the program. i invite you to visit the web page and get a demo.
the software is very user friendly. i am using it for small problems as so for big problems.
let me hear your opinion afer visiting the site.
i have not used strap, but i use risa-2d, and it works great for the purpose you described. i use staad-iii for complex, 3-d analysis, but it is bug-ridden. one drawback: risa 2-d is only for dos (works on windows 95, 98, nt), but the windows version will be out very soon, i hear.
jae (visitor)3 dec 99 17:25
i'd second the vote for risa...great program.
our office uses strap for moment and braced frames. we have also used the software for concrete walls and tanks. the program interface takes a little time to get used to, but it works well. the concrete and steel postprocessor are an excellent tool for member designs and re-designs. |