what's the better detail
i have started a detail of a new retaining wall going beside a new metal building. i think the better detail would be to just let them pour the wall footing and the metal building column ftg at the same time, but i'm not sure. then the retaining wall could use the column ftg as a toe. but, it may be easier to make 2 separate pours. or do you think difference in settlement could be a problem? or, i could have separate pours then use smooth dowels to connect the footings? this is usually where i make the wrong decision. here they are:
here are my thoughts for your consideration:
1. i would pour the wall footing and the column footing monolithic and then pour the column pier (if there is one) with the wall pour.
2. you should spend some time thinking about what the combined wall and column forces do at this location, so you get the rebar right. but, in the end i think it is an easier to detail construct and structuraly stiffer if they are poured together.
3. i would make the outside face of the girt line in the same plane as the outside face of the concrete wall. then, you would have a more positive way of keeping water out of the building, the wall panel would be outside the concrete wall and rain/snow would not be a problem. it looks to me that with your detail water may stand on the top of the wall and run in under the wall sheeting.
food for thought... |