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which states give you se after your name

发表于 2009-9-16 21:03:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
which states give you "se" after your name?
i have passed the se 1 and se 2 exams.  however, my home state, tn, doesn't recognize someone passing both exams as an se, still only pe.  my question is, what states give you the letters se after your name?  i know illinois does.  how about new york?  georgia?  
washington, oregon, idaho, arizona, wyoming, and utah that i am familiar with
mike mccann
mmc engineering
we can throw california in the mix as well... but you have to take a few more tests.
nevada, i believe.  
not new york.
i know there's debate about this, but personally, if you're a licensed se in any of those states, i'd feel comfortable putting se in my email signature.  what's so different about practicing engineering in illinois vs. tennessee anyway, right?

definitely not new york, or colorado, or north dakota, or montana either.
mike mccann
mmc engineering
california (might require more than just the se-2)
jkstruct - illinois requires the se to do any structural engineering.  a pe cannot do structural there.

by the way, there was an article on licensing in the latest structures magazine - found at this link:
new mexico doesn't either.
mike mccann
mmc engineering
jae --  i think i knew that about illinois, and i think it's a good policy.  i believe a disconnect lies within the nomenclature and within the states.  one problem is that, in theory, some states would technically allow a licensed pe -- who has an ee degree, and who doesn't practice structural engineering, and who has barely passed the pe transportation exam -- the legal ability to seal structural drawings.  while i think this is unethical, and i don't know any engineer who would do so, i guess it's allowed.  illinois and other states preclude this practice by requiring the se licensure. i also recognize that, in doing so, they also hold structural engineers to a higher standard -- and i support that ideology.
but, for the competent, practicing structural engineer in tn, i don't believe there is a great difference in designing a 4-story building in memphis vs. a 4-story building in peoria, il.
personally, if i had my druthers, an se licensure would be alienated from the all-discipline-encapsulating pe licensure.  the majority of states would bestow the title of se on any practicing and competent structural engineer who passes the structures i exam.  however, individual states would maintain their prerogative of requiring additional accreditation prior to granting that se license -- i.e. passing the structures ii, seismic and surveying, engineering ethics exams, ca se exam, etc.  that would still empower the states, yet, it would help rectify the disconnect in nomenclature. we're all structural engineers.  i'm a proponent of the "one (unique) profession, one (unique) license" doctrine.  although i also believe the states should still have the ability to vary the accreditation requirements.
in the meantime, i'll jump off my soap box and start studying for my exam.  
louisiana does allow the se suffix.
if you "heard" it on the internet, it's guilty until proven innocent. - dcs
georgia does not use the se suffix.
jkstruct - most states do not allow the electrical engineer sealing structural plans as you suggest.  the "typical" law states that an individual can only practice in the area in which they have the expertise.
now while that is a sort of self-policing policy, there have been many times when an engineer has been nailed by a state board for sealing plans outside their area of knowledge.  this happens a lot - i see it in the monthly board newsletters of the 20 states i'm licensed in.
in effect, this is a practice act in that you can only practice in your specialized area.  some states use a title (i.e. whether you can put se after your name or not) and some states use a practice act (like illinois) where you have to have the se to do structural.
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