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【转帖】inserting and mating parts in an assembly

发表于 2009-4-12 18:43:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
inserting and mating parts in an assembly
pre-select the componets in the assembly.
then have the macro loop through each componet selected searching for specific hole wizard features then when found insert and mate a pin to each...
i got to the part to where i need to get the face or loop thru faces in the hole wizard feature.
dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
dim swcompmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swselmgr as sldworks.selectionmgr
dim swcomp as sldworks.component
dim swpart as sldworks.partdoc
dim temp as string
dim part as object
dim thefeature as object
dim featcount as long
dim featname as string
dim chk as string
dim count as integer
dim swcompname as object
dim face1 as object
dim face2 as object
sub main()
set swapp = application.sldworks
set swmodel = swapp.activedoc
set swcompmodel = swapp.activedoc
set swselmgr = swmodel.selectionmanager
for j = 1 to swselmgr.getselectedobjectcount
count = 0
temp = swselmgr.getselectedobjecttype2(j)
select case temp
case 20 ' assembly model open body selected
set swcomp = swselmgr.getselectedobjectscomponent2(j)
set swmodel = swcomp.getmodeldoc
featcount = swmodel.getfeaturecount
for i = featcount to 1 step -1
set thefeature = swmodel.featurebypositionreverse(featcount - i)
featname = thefeature.name
chk = left(featname, 5)
if chk = "cbore" then
part.addcomponent "c:\sw_macrolib\xxxx-a-000_shcs.sldprt", 1, 1, 1
'not sure where to go from here....
count = count + 1
msgbox "found =" & featname
end if
set thefeature = nothing
'swapp.sendmsgtouser "feature " + str(i) + " is " + featname
next i
msgbox "number cbore's found =" & count
case else
msgbox ("incorrect type selected " & temp)
goto skip
end select
temp = 0
'swmodel.clearselection2 (true)
next j
end sub
and now? what do you want mate?
option explicit
sub main()
dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
dim swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swcompmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swassy as sldworks.assemblydoc
dim swpin as sldworks.component2
dim swselmgr as sldworks.selectionmgr
dim swcomp as sldworks.component
dim thefeature as sldworks.feature
dim featcount as long
dim i as integer
dim j as integer
set swapp = application.sldworks
set swmodel = swapp.activedoc
if swmodel.gettype = swdocassembly then
set swassy = swmodel
msgbox "is not assembly"
exit sub
end if
set swselmgr = swmodel.selectionmanager
for j = 1 to swselmgr.getselectedobjectcount
select case swselmgr.getselectedobjecttype2(j)
case 20 ' assembly model open body selected
set swcomp = swselmgr.getselectedobjectscomponent2(j)
set swcompmodel = swcomp.getmodeldoc
featcount = swcompmodel.getfeaturecount
for i = featcount to 1 step -1
set thefeature = swcompmodel.featurebypositionreverse(featcount - i)
select case ucase(thefeature.gettypename2)
case "holewzd"
swapp.opendocsilent "c:\sw_macrolib\xxxx-a-000_shcs.sldprt", swdocpart, 0
set swpin = swassy.addcomponent4("c:\sw_macrolib\xxxx-a-000_shcs.sldprt", "", 0, 0, 0)
swapp.closedoc "c:\sw_macrolib\xxxx-a-000_shcs.sldprt"
msgbox "found =" & thefeature.name
case else
end select
next i
case else
goto skip
end select
next j
end sub
thanks for the input, i've added a few of the changes you gave me. then tested the macro and inserted the fasteners just fine if only one componet is selected in the assemby. seems to be loosing the selected componets after the fastners are added to the assembly for the first componet selected.
i really appreciate the help....
dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
dim swselmgr as sldworks.selectionmgr
dim swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swassy as sldworks.assemblydoc
dim jmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim jcomp as sldworks.component2
dim jtemp as string
dim j as integer
dim feat as object
dim featname as string
dim featchk as string
dim featcount as integer
dim featfound as integer
dim i as integer
dim part as object
dim strblockpartpath as string
dim bolstatus as boolean
dim face as object
dim assydoc as object
dim swcomponet as sldworks.component2
dim strcomponet as string
dim firstmate as string
dim secondmate as string
dim assemblyname as string
dim assemblytitle as string
dim strings as variant
option explicit
sub main()
set swapp = application.sldworks
set swmodel = swapp.activedoc
if swmodel.gettype = swdocassembly then
set swassy = swmodel
msgbox "is not assembly"
exit sub
end if
set swselmgr = swmodel.selectionmanager
assemblytitle = swmodel.gettitle
strings = split(assemblytitle, ".")
assemblyname = strings(0)
strblockpartpath = "c:\sw_macrolib\xxxx-a-000_shcs.sldprt"
for j = 1 to swselmgr.getselectedobjectcount
jtemp = swselmgr.getselectedobjecttype2(j)
select case jtemp
case 20 ' assembly model open body selected
set jcomp = swselmgr.getselectedobjectscomponent3(j, -1)
set jmodel = jcomp.getmodeldoc
featfound = 0
featcount = jmodel.getfeaturecount - 1
for i = featcount to 1 step -1
set feat = jmodel.featurebypositionreverse(featcount - i)
featname = feat.name
featchk = left(featname, 5)
if featchk = "cbore" then ' finds only counter bored holes
' get face of componet in model
' end get face of componet in model
' insert screw
'set part = swapp.activedoc
'set swcomponet = part.addcomponent4(strblockpartpath, "shcs 3_8-16x1.25", -1.1, 1.1, 1.1)
swapp.opendocsilent strblockpartpath, swdocpart, 0
set swcomponet = swassy.addcomponent4(strblockpartpath, "shcs 3_8-16x1.25", -1.1, 1.1, 1.1)
swapp.closedoc strblockpartpath
strcomponet = swcomponet.name2()
' end insert screw
' create mate face
'secondmate = "fc1@" + strcomponet & "@" + assemblyname 'name of face for mate - fc1 is name of face for screw
' end mate face
featfound = featfound + 1
msgbox "found =" & featname
end if
set feat = nothing
next i
msgbox "number cbore's found =" & featfound
case else
msgbox ("incorrect type selected " & jtemp) ' must select componet in assembly
goto skip
end select
jtemp = 0
'jmodel.clearselection2 (true)
next j
end sub
ok - i had a few successes and setbacks.
the macro searches the selected componet in the assembly for cbored features then loops thru each turning the face blue that i want to mate the screw with.
then inserts the screw and performs the same action turning the face blue that i want to mate.
i can't figure out how to select the faces (which are blue) then mate them.
i've tried many different combinations with no sucess.
what am i doing wrong?
(this online forum is wonderful) - thanks in advance
dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
dim swselmgr as sldworks.selectionmgr
dim swmodel as modeldoc2
dim swassy as sldworks.assemblydoc
dim jmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim jcomp as sldworks.component2
dim jcompre as sldworks.component2
dim jtemp as string
dim jname as string
dim j as integer
dim jfeat as object
dim jfeatname as string
dim jfeatchk as string
dim jfeatcount as integer
dim jfeatfound as integer
dim i as integer
dim jfeatcolor as variant
dim jfacearr as variant
dim jface as sldworks.face2
dim jent as sldworks.entity
dim jfacefeat as sldworks.feature
dim jseldata as sldworks.selectdata
dim f as integer
dim ft as integer
dim smodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim scomp as sldworks.component2
dim scompre as sldworks.component2
dim stemp as string
dim sname as string
dim s as integer
dim sfeat as object
dim sfeatname as string
dim sfeatchk as string
dim sfeatcount as integer
dim sfeatfound as integer
dim sfeatcolor as variant
dim sfacearr as variant
dim sface as sldworks.face2
dim sfaceid as object
dim sent as sldworks.entity
dim sfacefeat as sldworks.feature
dim sseldata as sldworks.selectdata
dim g as integer
dim gt as integer
dim strblockpartpath as string
dim bret as boolean
dim asmate as sldworks.feature
dim errorstatus as long
dim firstmate as string
dim sfirst as sldworks.feature
dim secondmate as string
dim assemblyname as string
dim assemblytitle as string
dim strings as variant
dim swdocext as modeldocextension
option explicit
sub main()
set swapp = application.sldworks
set swmodel = swapp.activedoc
if swmodel.gettype = swdocassembly then
set swassy = swmodel
msgbox "is not assembly"
exit sub
end if
set swselmgr = swmodel.selectionmanager
assemblytitle = swmodel.gettitle
strings = split(assemblytitle, ".")
assemblyname = strings(0)
strblockpartpath = "c:\sw_macrolib\xxxx-a-000_shcs.sldprt"
for j = 1 to swselmgr.getselectedobjectcount
jtemp = swselmgr.getselectedobjecttype2(j)
select case jtemp
case 20 ' assembly model open body selected
set jcomp = swselmgr.getselectedobjectscomponent3(j, -1)
set jmodel = jcomp.getmodeldoc
jname = jcomp.name2
jfeatfound = 0
jfeatcount = jmodel.getfeaturecount - 1
for i = jfeatcount to 1 step -1
set jfeat = jmodel.featurebypositionreverse(jfeatcount - i)
jfeatname = jfeat.name
jfeatchk = left(jfeatname, 5)
if jfeatchk = "cbore" then ' find only counter bored holes
' get face of componet in model
jfeatcolor = jmodel.materialpropertyvalues
jfeatcolor(0) = 0 'r
jfeatcolor(1) = 0 'g
jfeatcolor(2) = 1 'b
jfacearr = jfeat.getfaces
if isempty(jfacearr) then exit sub
ft = jfeat.getfacecount - 1
for f = 0 to ft step 3
set jface = jfacearr(f)
set jent = jface
set jfacefeat = jface.getfeature
' check to see if face is owned by multiple features
if jfacefeat is jfeat then
firstmate = "face<1>@" + jname & "@" + assemblyname
set jseldata = jmodel.selectionmanager.createselectdata
jseldata.mark = 1
jface.materialpropertyvalues = jfeatcolor
' insert screw
swapp.opendocsilent strblockpartpath, swdocpart, 0
set scomp = swassy.addcomponent4(strblockpartpath, "shcs 3_8-16x1.25", -1.1, 1.1, 1.1)
swapp.closedoc strblockpartpath
set smodel = scomp.getmodeldoc
sname = scomp.name2
sfeatfound = 0
sfeatcount = smodel.getfeaturecount - 1
for s = sfeatcount to 1 step -1
set sfeat = smodel.featurebypositionreverse(sfeatcount - s)
sfeatname = sfeat.name
if sfeatname = "base-revolve" then ' find only revolved
sfeatcolor = smodel.materialpropertyvalues
sfeatcolor(0) = 0 'r
sfeatcolor(1) = 0 'g
sfeatcolor(2) = 1 'b
sfacearr = sfeat.getfaces
if isempty(sfacearr) then exit sub
gt = sfeat.getfacecount - 1
'for g = 0 to gt step 3
g = 5
set sface = sfacearr(g)
set sent = sface
set sfacefeat = sface.getfeature
if sfacefeat is sfeat then
set sseldata = smodel.selectionmanager.createselectdata
sseldata.mark = 1
sface.materialpropertyvalues = sfeatcolor
end if
'next g
end if
next s
'secondmate = "fc1@" + sname & "@" + assemblyname 'name of face for mate - fc1 is name of face for screw
' create mate face
set swdocext = swmodel.extension
swmodel.clearselection2 true
bret = jface.select(0)
bret = sface.select(1)
set asmate = swassy.addmate3(swmateconcentric, swmatealignaligned, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, errorstatus)
' end mate face
' end insert screw
debug.print " other feature = " & jfacefeat.name + " [" + jfacefeat.gettypename + "]"
end if
next f
' end get face of componet in model
jfeatfound = jfeatfound + 1
'msgbox "found =" & jfeatname
end if
set jfeat = nothing
next i
msgbox "number cbore's found =" & jfeatfound
case else
msgbox ("incorrect type selected " & jtemp) ' must select componet in assembly
goto skip
end select
jtemp = 0
'jmodel.clearselection2 (true)
next j
end sub
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