pdwworks api getspecificdocument
i'm trying to get a single docuemnt from the vault, where i now its name
useing vb express i run the following (a connection has already been established)
calling the getspecific property method does nothing -no error, and no document return
dim oldpart as pdmworks.pdmwdocument
dim newpart as pdmworks.pdmwdocument
dim prop as pdmworks.pdmwproperty
dim sz as string
on error resume next
oldpart = pdm.getspecificdocument(txtoldpart.text)
if err.number <> 0 then msgbox(err.description)
newpart = pdm.getspecificdocument(txtnewpart.text)
if err.number <> 0 then msgbox(err.description)
answer oops - i didn't realize .sldprt was part of the name... works fine
quick |