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【转帖】hide all dimensions

发表于 2009-4-12 21:06:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
hide all dimensions
is it possible to hide all dimensions in a sketch by using a macro?
feroz mahomed
windows xp professional sp2
sworks 2009 sp2
nvidia quadro fx1500
try imodeldoc2::hidedimension for your macros
here attached a help example using annotation visibility.
solidworks api help
show dimensions in drawing sheet example (vb6)
this example shows how to show all of the dimensions in a drawing sheet whether or not the dimensions are hidden or shown.
' problem:
' in the solidworks user interface, you can hide a dimension in a
' drawing view through the shortcut menu. the corresponding
' api to do this is imodeldoc2::hidedimension.
' however, in the use interface, there is no ready to show
' a hidden dimension because it must be selected.
' this example shows how to traverse all display dimensions
' on a drawing sheet and show them.
' preconditions: drawing is open and dimensions are marked for drawing.
' postconditions: none
' note: dimension is not shown if it is on a layer that
' is hidden.
option explicit
public enum swannotationvisibilitystate_e
swannotationvisibilityunknown = 0
swannotationvisible = 1
swannotationhalfhidden = 2
swannotationhidden = 3
end enum
public enum swannotationtype_e
swcthread = 1
swdatumtag = 2
swdatumtargetsym = 3
swdisplaydimension = 4
swgtol = 5
swnote = 6
swsfsymbol = 7
swweldsymbol = 8
swcustomsymbol = 9
swdowelsym = 10
swleader = 11
swblock = 12
swcentermarksym = 13
swtableannotation = 14
swcenterline = 15
swdatumorigin = 16
end enum
sub processdrawing _
( _
swapp as sldworks.sldworks, _
swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2, _
swview as sldworks.view _
dim swann as sldworks.annotation
debug.print " " & swview.name
set swann = swview.getfirstannotation2
do while not nothing is swann
if swdisplaydimension = swann.gettype then
debug.print " " & swann.getname
swann.visible = swannotationvisible
end if
set swann = swann.getnext2
end sub
sub main()
dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
dim swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swdraw as sldworks.drawingdoc
dim swview as sldworks.view
dim bret as boolean
set swapp = application.sldworks
set swmodel = swapp.activedoc
set swdraw = swmodel
debug.print "file = " & swmodel.getpathname
set swview = swdraw.getfirstview
do while not nothing is swview
processdrawing swapp, swdraw, swview
set swview = swview.getnextview
end sub
vb2008.net express
solidworks 2009,driveworks
sql server 2005 express
mastercam x2,fanuc
t6j 2n8
i was looking for a macro to hide dimensions in a sketch not a drawing.
thank you
feroz mahomed
windows xp professional sp2
sworks 2009 sp2
nvidia quadro fx1500
please define your question a bit further. what result do you want? do you want the same result as right-click on annotations folder in the tree and un-check "show feature dimensions?" or do you want to have "show feature dimensions" checked but hide all dimensions for a certain sketch? note that i can't find a way to un-hide them after they've been hidden.
i'll get you eh steve, if it's the last thing i dooooo!
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