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【转帖】attribute error

发表于 2009-4-13 09:07:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
attribute error
i get this error and i don't know how to resolved it :
line: set swatt = swent.findattribute(swattdef, i)
error : object variable or with block variable not set (error 91)
here is my code :
private sub mainnew()
const attdefname as string = "description"
const attlendimname as string = "pl_description"
const attlenvaluename as string = "pl_description_value"
dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
dim swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim gopart as object
dim goconfig as object
dim swselmgr as sldworks.selectionmgr
dim swent as sldworks.entity
dim swattdef as sldworks.attributedef
dim swatt as sldworks.attribute
dim swparamname as sldworks.parameter
dim swparamvalue as sldworks.parameter
dim i as long
dim bret as boolean
set swapp = createobject("sldworks.application")
set swmodel = swapp.activedoc
set gopart = swapp.activedoc
set goconfig = gopart.getactiveconfiguration
set swselmgr = swmodel.selectionmanager
set swent = swselmgr.getselectedobject6(-1, 0)
set swattdef = swapp.defineattribute(attdefname)
bret = swattdef.addparameter(attlendimname, swparamtypestring, 0#, 0)
bret = swattdef.addparameter(attlenvaluename, swparamtypestring, 0#, 0)
bret = swattdef.register
' limit search for instances because an attribute
' on the entity may not exist
while swatt is nothing and i < 300
set swatt = swent.findattribute(swattdef, i)
i = i + 1
debug.print "file = " & swmodel.getpathname
if not swatt is nothing then
if false = swatt.getentitystate(swisentityinvalid) and _
false = swatt.getentitystate(swisentitysuppressed) and _
false = swatt.getentitystate(swisentityambiguous) and _
false = swatt.getentitystate(swisentitydeleted) then
set swparamname = swatt.getparameter(attlendimname)
set swparamvalue = swatt.getparameter(attlenvaluename)
debug.print " " & attdefname & "(" & i - 1 & ") = " & swatt.getname
debug.print " name = " & swparamname.getstringvalue
debug.print " value = " & swparamvalue.getdoublevalue
debug.print " attribute retrieved but problems exist."
end if
debug.print " attribute not retrieved."
end if
end sub
hey steph,
the reason you get the error is because your entity object is not set i.e. is equal to nothing.
the reason for that is that you have an index of -1 on your getselectedobject6 function call. index should be between 1 to selectionmgr::getselectedobjectcount2.
i suspect if you change that the error will go.
in this world i am nobody...
and nobody is perfect ;) !!!
solidworks office 2008 sp4.0
dell precision pws390
nvidia quadro fx 3450/4000 sdi
i have try :
set swent = swselmgr.getselectedobject5(1)
swent = nothing (always)
same error.
edited: 05/07/2008 at 10:26 am by stephane demers
ok, what are you trying to select?
is it a feature, component?
try this:
dim feat as sldworks.feature
set feat = swselmgr.getselectedobject6(1,-1)
set swent = feat.getspecificfeature2
in this world i am nobody...
and nobody is perfect ;) !!!
solidworks office 2008 sp4.0
dell precision pws390
nvidia quadro fx 3450/4000 sdi
i open a part or an assembly and i would like to set an attribute. to this part or assembly. (that part of my macro seem to works)
after, i have another macro where i would like to get that attribute (that doesn't work).
i have nothing selected, just my part open.
edited: 05/07/2008 at 11:30 am by stephane demers
originally posted by: stephane demers
i have nothing selected, just my part open.
thas why it fails. the getselectedobject6 function is retrieving the selected object. if nothing is selected the result of that function call will be nothing.
you need to either select your attribute or create the code that will do that for you.
in this world i am nobody...
and nobody is perfect ;) !!!
solidworks office 2008 sp4.0
dell precision pws390
nvidia quadro fx 3450/4000 sdi
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