Subject: Dear Robin,do you think that isClosed value should be Zero for a partial circle?
Dear Robin,
When I try to get the following parameters (shown in red font, such as m_min_t, m_max_t, isClosed, isPeriodic) from partial curve in Sketch, I get the incorrect result for the parameters. For example, for a partial circle, I get the incorrect result of the parameters as follows.
m_min_t = 0;
m_max_t = 6.28;
isClosed = 1;
isLPeriodic = 1;
I think that isClosed value should be Zero for a partial circle. Do you?
The source file is attached in the Email.
My code is as follows.
ISketchSegment swSketchSegment(dSketchSegment);
dSegmentCurve = swSketchSegment.GetCurve();
if (dSegmentCurve != NULL)
int isPeriodic, isClosed;
ICurve swCurve(dSegmentCurve);
swCurve.GetEndParams (&m_min_t, &m_max_t, &isClosed, &isPeriodic);
Yogy |