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SolidWorks二次开发 今日: 0|主题: 1608|排名: 27 

版主: SolidWorks
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How SolidWorks Xform relates to OpenGL transformation matrix huangyhg 2007-3-13 02824 huangyhg 2007-3-13 14:42
The time is now: SolidWorks World 2007 exhibitor registration google 2007-2-4 04082 google 2007-2-4 20:51
eMVDisableSNLCheckout = 8192 // Disable SNL checkout huangyhg 2007-1-24 03060 huangyhg 2007-1-24 21:41
SldWorks.GetErrorMessages ( Msgs, MsgIDs, MsgTypes) huangyhg 2007-1-24 02730 huangyhg 2007-1-24 21:39
How SolidWorks Xform relates to OpenGL transformation matrix huangyhg 2007-1-23 04248 huangyhg 2007-1-23 22:53
How to determine the current language in SolidWorks is running huangyhg 2007-1-23 02938 huangyhg 2007-1-23 22:52
How to determine numerical values for the SolidWorks version huangyhg 2007-1-23 03145 huangyhg 2007-1-23 22:50
How to connect to a running instance of SolidWorks in a C++ Dispatch-based Ex huangyhg 2007-1-23 02675 huangyhg 2007-1-23 22:48
How to tell if a part is being saved as a copy huangyhg 2007-1-23 02638 huangyhg 2007-1-23 22:48
How to add an attribute to the selected entity huangyhg 2007-1-23 02506 huangyhg 2007-1-23 22:47
How to disable SolidWorks memory handler(C++) huangyhg 2007-1-23 02780 huangyhg 2007-1-23 22:45
Tessellate a Body Example (C#) face 2007-1-11 03825 face 2007-1-11 16:43
convert OLE Automation to COM(uncompleted) huangyhg 2006-12-25 03070 huangyhg 2006-12-25 13:06
Solidworks V2004 ISO Serial-Set huangyhg 2006-12-22 13148 huangyhg 2006-12-22 16:10
What is the range of tolerance value for Modeler::SetToleranceValue? directdwg 2006-12-19 03323 directdwg 2006-12-19 12:59
What difference do the two functions (ModelDoc.SetTessationQuality and Modele directdwg 2006-12-19 02866 directdwg 2006-12-19 12:57
what is the default unit in SW modeler? directdwg 2006-12-19 02904 directdwg 2006-12-19 12:56
How to adjust unit of SW? directdwg 2006-12-19 12927 directdwg 2006-12-19 12:55
用vc开发solidworks的问题 huangyhg 2006-12-14 13134 huangyhg 2006-12-14 22:37
How to set the tolerance parameters of Tessellate face? huangyhg 2006-12-11 13723 huangyhg 2006-12-11 12:43
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