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发表于 2009-4-28 15:57:40
回复: PR 261263 261263 - WEBASTO - T-Value is calculated wrong, if dimension
<< Changes made by Yanhua Huang (Field Changes) -- 04/28/09 11:34:59>>
Action: Yanhua Huang to Don Turcotte, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Changes made by Yanhua Huang (Resolution Data) -- 04/28/09 11:34:06>>
** Bug Fix - Likely Exists in Previous Versions - - - **
<< Yanhua Huang (Development Notes) -- 04/28/09 11:33:11>>
2. Fixed into V44B, SetupGlobalAlignment and RestoreGlobalAlignment were abandoned on 4-28-2009
// ********************************************************************************
// SetupGlobalAlignment
// SetupGlobalAlignment is abandoned on 4-28-2009
// Modifications:
// 04-28-2009 yanhua use the alignment preceding this dimension to calculate T-Value.
// PR#261263(V44B) - disable fix for PR239137
// PR#260786 - If this feature was measured manually and is used in an alignment preceding this dimension,
// then use that alignment - abandoned the rule.
// PR#239137 - Get alignment in effect when feature was measured - abandoned the rule.
// ********************************************************************************
Tue Apr 28 11:32:07 2009
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte (Field Changes) -- 04/27/09 11:37:16>>
Action: David Petrizze to Yanhua Huang, Status: REVIEW to OPEN
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte (Field Changes) -- 04/27/09 11:36:44>>
Action: Don Turcotte to David Petrizze
<< Don Turcotte (Review Notes) -- 04/27/09 11:36:44>>
Yanhua, your change is correct but I think it would be simpler to completely remove both SetupGlobalAlignment(...) and RestoreGlobalAlignment(...) and the calls to these routines. The fix for #260786 was an "adjustement" to #239137 which is not needed if we completely remove SetupGlobalAlignment(...) . This would make the code easier to understand and restore it to its original V3.7 state.
<< Changes made by Yanhua Huang (Field Changes) -- 04/27/09 23:12:09>>
Action: Yanhua Huang to Don Turcotte, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Changes made by Yanhua Huang (Resolution Data) -- 04/27/09 23:11:33>>
** Bug Fix - Likely Exists in Previous Versions - - 239137 - **
<< Yanhua Huang (Development Notes) -- 04/27/09 23:10:43>>
Fixed into V432 and V44B. Verified #260786, working.
// PR261263 - use alignment preceding dimension to calculate T-Value. disable fix for PR239137
Mon Apr 27 23:07:10 2009
Files inserted to server
<< Yanhua Huang (Development Notes) -- 04/27/09 21:41:10>>
used the alignment preceding this dimension to calculate T-Value.
<< Don Turcotte (Development Notes) -- 04/24/09 12:59:30>>
Any changed here should also be verified against #260786.
<< Daniel Schroepfer (Customer Notes) -- 04/24/09 18:45:29>>
Sometimes, I should update my databese before write something.
Don you are right.
<< Daniel Schroepfer (Customer Notes) -- 04/24/09 18:27:37>>
Hi Don!
The T- Value must be dependent on the alignment. e.g.: Customers measure points in the RPS alignment and reports the T - Deviation. Then it can happens that customers wants to see how the deviation is after a bestfit alignment over some other points (for analizing). Then they reports again this points under the bestfit alignment. For this they only create a new dimension from the points, which was measured under the RPS alignment. This was always working fine. Now, customers has only 2 complicate possibilitys: Remeasure the points under the new alignment or construate again the points. This is crazy and not explainable. I also don't understand the problem from PR#239137, because if I want to have the T-Deviation und an explicit alignment, I only have to recall this alignment.
<< Don Turcotte (Development Notes) -- 04/24/09 11:08:44>>
Sent the following e-mail to Dave, cc Bret, Yanhua:
In the program attached to this PR and also the program attached to #239137, alignments are done using the point being dimensioned. In one case a bestfit 3D alignment is done including the point which is later dimensioned. In the other case a translation alignment is done to the point which is then dimensioned. It seems reasonable that if you bestfit align to the point, then this should reduce the T-value deviation. Also if you translate X,Y,Z to the point in an alignment, then the T-value deviation should now be 0. Because of the fix for #239137, the T-value is always the same. It is calculated using the alignment that the point was measured in. I believe the fix for #239137 is incorrect and should be undone (or at least disabled). Undoing this fix would correct the issue report in #261263 where the user correctly expects the T-value to change.
The T-value calculation is the same as a profile dimension on an individual point. If you do a bestfit alignment to the point followed by a legacy profile dimension (formandlocation), you would expect the deviation to have been reduced by the bestfit alignment.
<< Don Turcotte (Development Notes) -- 04/23/09 16:48:29>>
In conference call with Bret and Dave, it is not clear why the T-value calculation should be dependent on the alignment. Hence, don't know the the fix for #239137 was required. I will re-investigate #239137 to determine if T-value is indeed dependent on alignment (if the fix for #239137 is disabled) and why.
<< Bret Naylor (Management Notes) -- 04/22/09 16:35:55>>
We need to have a discussion on this one. Dave and Don, let's talk about this tomorrow.
<< Don Turcotte (Development Notes) -- 04/22/09 13:43:28>>
This seems to be at odds with #239137. In that PR the customer complained that the T-value changed based on the alignment the dimension was reported in. This was "fixed" in #239137 so that the T-value is calculated based on the alignment that the feature is measured in and not based on the alignment that the dimension is reported in.
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke (Field Changes) -- 04/21/09 19:29:24>>
Priority: Critical to Stop Rel.
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke (Field Changes) -- 04/21/09 08:11:59>>
Action: Tim Wernicke to Yanhua Huang, Assigned: to Yanhua Huang, Priority: to Critical
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