how do you create a frame and title block for reuse?
i'm trying to find a way to create a title block sheet once (which i know how to do) and then be able to load it up to use again on a whole new and different drawing (not another sheet, but a whole new project and the drawing for it). i'm not looking to insert > object either. i need to be able to edit the block. after you draw your frame and tb under edit > background, how are you supposed to save that as a catscript file so it will show up in the list of frame/tb's to load like the 2 that are under insert > drawing > frame & title block pulldown???? am i saving at the wrong point??? i've tried recording a macro too but that doesn't want to work out right either. when are you supposed to stop recording? do you record while in 'background' or in 'working'. am i supposed to be able to have views on a sheet and then hit 'macro' and drop that recorded frame/tb in??? can anyone please help?? thank you in advance.
try the catia forum. |