new asme y14.5m?
hello everybody! my first time here! very nice this site!
does anybody know if a new version of asme y14.5m is coming soon? thanks for your attention!
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i don't know the actual answer, but that standard has been reaffirmed every 5 years since asme took it over and published published it in 1994. unless there's some drastic shift in the industry in the next 2 years, i wouldn't expect anything other than another reaffirmation in 2009. don't take this guest to the bank though.
cad engineer/ecn analyst
silicon valley, ca
i've heard whispers that some things may be changed to be more consistent/closer match to 14.41 but can't re
just found a report on line talking about an iso that would replace most existing dimensioning specs.
i heard the draft would be released this october. however i would not bet any money on it. it would be nice if someone in authority would give us a clue.
i found some information about it! there will be a new revision of asme y14.5m in 200x. changes include assembly and new tolerance representation (harmonization with iso standards)
"harmonization with iso standards" dear load. who in the iso world understands these as they relate to tol? now they want this in the us? if there there was some benefit to it, i'd be looking forward to this. anyone wanna convince me? lol
cad engineer/ecn analyst
silicon valley, ca
the new y14.5 draft is to be released in the first quarter of 2008 per asme.
q1 2008 huh? hey gary, wasn't there a prelim draft out somewhere around 2000? harmonization with iso? i'm with you, matt. the y14.5 standard smells too much like iso already, and not for the better in my humble opinion.
ron: there was a pre draft around 2000 to
on monday of this week, asme posted a public review draft to revise and redesignate current ans: asme y14.5 - 20xx, dimensioning and tolerancing.
public review period for this new draft ends on 1/22/2008.
a copy of the review draft may be purchased from asme at a cost of $85 (us).
wed link to the asme public review page as follows: |