When I set 24 colors in the "edit dimension color" diologue and save as default, the next PP I open I get many of the zones just colored black!!, very repeatable.
<< Mick Walters -- 07/26/07 12:31:13>>
When I set 24 colors in the "edit dimension color" diologue and save as default, the next PP I open I get many of the zones just colored black!!, very repeatable.
Steps to reproduce:
try it, set 24 zones and select the color from the sphere, then apply the colors and check them, they should look good, then save as default and save your PP.
when you make a new PP take a look at your zones in the diologue again, you will then see what I see (see attached bitmap)
Expected Results:
should maintain what is set.
<< Paola Pallo -- 07/30/07 13:35:12>>
Fixed and uploaded. For review:
<< Changes made by Paola Pallo -- 07/30/07 13:35:39>>
Action: Paola Pallo to David Petrizze, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Paola Pallo -- 07/27/07 17:53:41>>
PC-DMIS is correctly managing 20 zones max, and talking with Mick and Alessandro we agreed that it could be acceptable.
In fact I had verified that enabling the ability to accept any number 'on the fly' is quite complicated ( and not completely safe) and probably it is neither worth since normally they use 5 or 9 zones.
As a compromise I 'm adding a check to avoid the input of not valid number ( >20 ) .
On the way I fixed also a graphic issue ( the color wheel is not correctly centered ) : I will upload on Monday
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 07/26/07 09:47:19>>
Priority: to Critical
<<END>> |