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PR 232247 Profile axes M & M1 are not correct.

发表于 2009-7-10 13:36:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Profile axes M & M1 are not correct.

<< Doug Sjogren  --  05/16/05  11:07:38>>
I thought this  might have beeen logged in already, but I could not find it.  The M1 axis created as a result of report #216590 seems to not be working correctly.  From the report, M1 should be Location and M Form, but that is not what is being sent.

From Xstats11.tmp
DIM2: D1PLN 1 BM1      0.000000     1.100000     1.100000     0.043734
DIM2: D1PLN 1 BM        0.000000     2.200000     0.000000     -0.178696

DIM2: D3 PROFPLN3M1      0.000000     2.200000     2.200000     0.104365
DIM2: D3 PROFPLN3M        0.000000     4.400000     0.000000     0.104365

From report  #216580
Location should be M1 axis, Form M axis.

DIM2: ITEM1SCN2M1        0.0000       0.0200       0.0200      -0.0170
DIM2: ITEM1SCN2M        0.0000       0.0400       0.0000       0.0340

PC-DMIS reports,
AX   NOMINAL     MEAS        DEV       +TOL       -TOL      OUTTOL       MAX        MIN   
M       0.000          -0.179        -0.179      1.100      1.100      0.000           -0.135     -0.179 ----#-----

Datapage reports,
                       D1      D1      
                        M1     M
05-05-16 10-12-55       0.044    -0.179      

Should be                     -0.179     0.044

PC-DMIS reports,
AX   NOMINAL     MEAS        DEV       +TOL       -TOL      OUTTOL       MAX        MIN   
M     0.000            0.104         0.104      2.200      2.200      0.000            0.022       -0.082 ----#-----

Datapage reports,
                                         D3_PROF        D3_PROF
                           M1                       M
05-05-16 10-12-55           0.104       0.104

Should be                         -0.082                   0.104

<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 02/25/09  16:25:19>>
<< Jerry Naylor  --  02/18/08  09:45:15>>
<< Don Turcotte  --  02/15/08  16:12:39>>
Merged into V43R.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 02/15/08  16:12:56>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Doug Sjogren, Status:  OPEN to RESOLVED
<< Tim Wernicke  --  02/14/08  14:29:47>>
Agreed, please go ahead in V43R Don.  Thanks.
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 02/14/08  14:29:58>>
Action:  Tim Wernicke to Don Turcotte, Status:  REVIEW to OPEN, Priority:  High to Stop Rel.
<< Doug Sjogren  --  02/13/08  16:51:44>>
Ultimately I would preferr to see three axes, but giveen that this would be a major change this will stil be beter than what is currently done.  So M as FORM and M1 as largest location error should work.  I think this should be in the next available release.
<< Changes made by Doug Sjogren -- 02/13/08  16:51:46>>
Action:  Doug Sjogren to Tim Wernicke
<< Don Turcotte  --  10/23/07  16:36:05>>
I talked with Doug and looked at implementing reporting M, MX, MI with a "<" added to either MX or MI (whichever consumed the most tolerance), but Steve B. indicated that this could cause problems with stats or pc-dmis.  So I looked at reporting M and M1.  The changes to the command mode edit window were straightforward but the changes that would be required to report two axes in the legacy and FCF profile report tables were extensive and judged too risky.
So all I ended up changing was to ensure that M as sent to stats is always the form value as Doug requested.  The M1 value sent to stats is max or min, whichever consumes the most tolerance (this hasn't changed).
Fixed in V42 beta, V43B, V44B.
Doug, please review this change and notify Tim if you would like to have this merged into V42R and/or V43R.  This is a low-risk change.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 10/23/07  16:36:58>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Doug Sjogren, Status:  OPEN to REVIEW
<< Doug Sjogren  --  10/19/07  09:46:41>>
Is anything going on with this?
<< Changes made by Doug Sjogren -- 10/19/07  09:46:43>>
<< Doug Sjogren  --  09/15/06  08:12:29>>
Don, if M could always be the Form value that would be better.
It would also be nice if the Form & Location were evaluated on two separate lines.  This would be easier for users and their customers to interpret.
<< Changes made by Doug Sjogren -- 09/15/06  08:12:32>>
Action:  Doug Sjogren to Don Turcotte
<< Don Turcotte  --  09/13/06  11:22:27>>
Doug, I'm not clear that the way stats output now works is entirely what you want.  M1 is reported as the largest deviation (positive or negative).  M is reported as the "measured" value.  This is the M axis in the edit window and on the report for legacy profile dimensions.  In cases where the max is positive and the min is negative (or vice versa), this is max - min so this is also the form value.  In cases where both max and min are negative or both max and min are positive this M value will be the largest of max,min.  Not the form value.  In V40, the user can set the registry value UseISOCalculations so this M value would always be 2 times max deviation.
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 09/13/06  11:22:45>>
Action:  David Petrizze to Doug Sjogren, Status:  REVIEW to MOREINFO
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 09/13/06  11:22:27>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to David Petrizze
<< Steve Barber  --  04/13/06  16:49:14>>
GetRecortPartInfo was wrong in the V4X versions - not in V37. savestats was also correct. Seems to be wrong only in the V37R stream. I think V37Beta will be correct.
<< Changes made by Steve Barber -- 04/13/06  16:49:32>>
Action:  Steve Barber to Don Turcotte, Status:  OPEN to REVIEW
<< Steve Barber  --  04/13/06  16:35:49>>
Don & I talked. I will make the change to V42. He will review it. It should be noted that V37R, V40, V41 will generate different results than 3.6.
<< Changes made by Steve Barber -- 04/13/06  16:35:55>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Steve Barber
<< Steve Barber  --  04/13/06  16:24:43>>
Looking at the history, V2 of the resync for V37R did not contain your changes. V1 did.
I guess that is the root of this current issue.
<< Steve Barber  --  04/13/06  16:18:32>>
Going back far enough to #216580, Doug & I settled on M being FORM (this is no change from prior versions). I added M1 which was to be Min/Max LOC value. There was also alot of discussion with this on #226268. I left M unchanged so it would not interfere with anyone looking at that value. I do not think #226268 reset the code back to its original state - or it was overwritten at some point. I have both 3.5 & 3.7r (formally 3.6?) to compare:
    // if we are a DIMENSION_PROFILE then we have to send different info - sab - #216580 - 21-Apr-2003
    // I don't think it corrects #211622
    if ((type() == DIMENSION_PROFILE_SURFACE || type() == DIMENSION_PROFILE_LINE) && IsBilateral())
      // If the profile is Bilateral, then this is FORMANDLOCATION so the M1 value should be the form
      //     which is simply max - min.
      Measured = get_max() - get_min(); // PR226268
      tmpaxis = ES_M + _T("1 ");
      // If we want to issue the other value we could open this code - sab
      stats_line(m_pPartProgram, this, m_feature1, (LPTSTR)((LPCTSTR)tmpaxis),
                 Nominal, PlusTol, MinusTol, Measured,
                 m_current_stats_DP, m_current_stats_DES, m_current_stats_SPC);
      tmpaxis = ES_M + _T(" ");
      PlusTol = PlusTol + MinusTol;
      MinusTol = 0.0;
      Measured = get_measured();

      // if we are a DIMENSION_PROFILE then we have to send different info - sab - #216580 - 21-Apr-2003
     // I don't think it corrects #211622
    if (type() == DIMENSION_PROFILE && IsBilateral())
      double val1, val2, valmax;
      int first_or_second = 0;   // 0 for first, 1 for second
      val1 = get_max() - PlusTol;
      val2 = - get_min() - get_minus_tol(FALSE);
      valmax = max(val1, val2);
      if (valmax == val2) // used val2
    first_or_second = 1;
      if (first_or_second)
         Measured = get_min();
          Measured = get_max();
      tmpaxis = ES_M + _T("1 ");
// If we want to issue the other value we could open this code - sab
      stats_line(m_pPartProgram, this, m_feature1, (LPTSTR)((LPCTSTR)tmpaxis),
     Nominal, PlusTol, MinusTol, Measured,
     m_current_stats_DP, m_current_stats_DES, m_current_stats_SPC);
      tmpaxis = ES_M + _T(" ");
      PlusTol = PlusTol + MinusTol;
      MinusTol = 0.0;
      Measured = get_measured();
I do not understand the math end enough to say what V4.0 should be sending. I guess it could change based on registry settings?
<< Changes made by Steve Barber -- 04/13/06  16:19:04>>
Action:  Steve Barber to Don Turcotte
<< Don Turcotte  --  04/12/06  17:15:10>>
In the edit window, the M axis MEAS when the dimension specifies FORMANDLOCATION is the formandlocation value which is max-min deviation unless both deviations are negative or both are positive, in which case the value is the largest deviation.  In V40, the user has the option of always reporting this instead as 2 * the max deviation based on a registry setting.
When the dimension specifies FORMONLY, the M axis MEAS in the edit window is the form.  In this case there is only a positive tolerance (the neg tol is 0.0).
In V37 savestats() and V40 GetRecordPartInfo(), the comment says M1 should be the form, but this is reported to stats with a plus and minus tol.  The M value which is then the location is reported with a single tol set to plus+minus.
So there seem to be several points of confusion :
1.  Doug thinks M1 should be location and M form in the stats, but the reverse is being done.
2.  The stats form reports a plus and minus tol, the stats location reports only 1 tol
3.  The MEAS value for formandlocation is calculated differently when both max and min are negative or both max and min are positive.
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 04/12/06  17:16:10>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Steve Barber
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 04/10/06  15:14:39>>
Action:  Wade Burton to Don Turcotte, Assigned:  Wade Burton to Don Turcotte
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 05/18/05  11:36:52>>
Category:  statistics to dimensions, Action:  Tim Wernicke to Wade Burton, Assigned:   to Wade Burton, Status:  MOREINFO to OPEN, Priority:  to High
<< Doug Sjogren  --  05/18/05  10:59:37>>
Tim, I downloaded from the link, version is dated 5/13/05, and the results are the same.  If nothing else, the M1, Form, should have the unilateral tolerance.
<< Changes made by Doug Sjogren -- 05/18/05  10:59:52>>
Action:  Doug Sjogren to Tim Wernicke
<< Tim Wernicke  --  05/17/05  10:16:26>>
Yes, many of the GD&T issues were fixed after the 4/22 build.  The latest 3.7 MR2 candidate is here: ftp://files.wilcoxassoc.com/v37all.zip
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 05/17/05  10:16:32>>
Action:  Tim Wernicke to Doug Sjogren
<< Doug Sjogren  --  05/16/05  18:29:40>>
April 22 is the date of the PCDLRN.   I believe this was the MR2 candidate at one point, I have not loaded any of the later Betas.  Is there a new MR2 candidate, and any target for MR2?
<< Changes made by Doug Sjogren -- 05/16/05  18:29:42>>
Action:  Doug Sjogren to Tim Wernicke
<< Tim Wernicke  --  05/16/05  13:48:43>>
Doug, exactly what build of 3.7 are you using?
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 05/16/05  13:48:46>>
Action:  Tim Wernicke to Doug Sjogren, Status:  OPEN to MOREINFO
<< Doug Sjogren  --  05/16/05  12:29:46>>
I looked at that report and it does appear that Wade may be working on this as an enhancement.
The original problem, and  it is stil a problem if I interpret correctly, is that the M axis sometimes contains form values and sometimes contains location values, which the former can potentially be double the latter.  This leads to Capabiltiy indices that are not correct.
Perhaps we need an MS, FM, & LC axes.  If there are two lines for the dimension, then M, & M1.  That can be worked out, but we need to do Capability on Form, and also location, and perhaps location needs to be senbt as absolute value, or the same issue arises.  
In this case though it looks like M1 is being sent as location, if you consider the tolerances, but has the measured value( or Form).  The Measured value, M has only a single positive tolerance as if it is Form, which it happens to be in this case, but not in the D1 dimension
DIM2: D3 PROFPLN3M1      0.000000     2.200000     2.200000     0.104365
DIM2: D3 PROFPLN3M        0.000000     4.400000     0.000000     0.104365
DIM2: D1PLN 1 BM        0.000000     2.200000     0.000000     -0.178696
At this point, I don't think it is possible to get what is desired from Datapage due to this.
<< Steve Barber  --  05/16/05  11:31:51>>
There was quite a bit of discussion on #226268. But I do not know if this is right or wrong.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-10 13:48:48 | 显示全部楼层

回复: PR 232247 Profile axes M &amp; M1 are not correct.

PR 226268 PCDMIS is outputting negative form values.
<< Sam Pelletier  --  08/11/04  13:27:41>>
Customer is outputting to DP and is getting negative values for form error.  It looks like when the locations both have the same sign, the form is outputted as the bigger of the location values, not the difference.

Steps to reproduce:
See attatched program and X11stats file.  The form and location dimension gives the max dev as -.001 and the min dev as -.021.

The location (DIM2: PROF2.SCN1.M1) is returned as -.021
The form error (DIM2: PROF2SCN1M) is returned as -.021

Expected Results:
The location (DIM2: PROF2.SCN1.M1) should return as -.021
The form error (DIM2: PROF2SCN1M) should return as .020

<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 02/25/09  13:43:34>>

<< Bret Naylor  --  12/15/04  12:05:01>>
Reviewed.  In the end, there were no changes made.

<< Changes made by Bret Naylor -- 12/15/04  12:05:08>>
Action:  Bret Naylor to Sam Pelletier, Status:  REVIEW to RESOLVED

<< Wade Burton  --  12/09/04  16:41:22>>
Reviewed...this appears correct to me to have reset this.  I'm creating an enhancement request separate for the issue of creating a separate stats line in the stats file that gives only the form error, since there may be times that it isn't the same as the measured value.  The example that comes to my mind is when all deviations are negative, and we're displaying form and location.  In that case, the measured value gets displayed as the minimum deviation, and not the difference between the two.

Because of the current priority, though, this won't be worked on for a little while.

But as for the rest of this issue, it appears complete to me.

<< Changes made by Wade Burton -- 12/09/04  16:41:44>>
Action:  Wade Burton to Bret Naylor

<< Jerry Naylor  --  09/21/04  10:45:01>>

<< Wade Burton  --  09/16/04  11:48:55>>
Phone call with Doug Sjogren about this.  We've reset the code to this, but he also thinks it would be beneficial to be able to pass these separately as form only error, and form and location error.  Maybe even by creating a third line in the stats file for the profile dimensions.  He felt that users would want to track that separately, and our lines now appear to be missing one part of that information.  So I'll check into this again as I go through the review process with this.

<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 09/13/04  11:34:37>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Wade Burton, Status:  OPEN to REVIEW

<< Don Turcotte  --  09/13/04  11:34:30>>
This has been reset to the original code.

Files inserted to server

<< Wade Burton  --  09/07/04  13:24:53>>
After further consideration, looking at #216580, it appears that we should reset this as it was previously, before Don's last change.  I initially followed the user's interpretation of this, which I now think is incorrect.  M is not the form error and M1 is not the location error.  M is the measured value, but because you can have a measured value less than the tolerances, but the locations are shifted, the profile dimension for the form and location option does NOT just check the measured value, but checks the max and min values against the plus and minus tolerances.  This means that if we were only passing the measured value through M, then it may appear it is acceptable, when it is shifted a little, and not acceptable.  This was the entire reason for creating the M1, and it should be following the logic that Steve initially put in how it passes out the max or min, depending on that situation.  This measured value in the case of form and location can indeed be negative, because it isn't just the form error.  They not only are distinct values, but M1 should be the one that is closest to being out of tolerance, or the one that is out of tolerance the most.

So I suggest we put that back as it was.  

<< Changes made by Wade Burton -- 09/07/04  13:25:13>>
Action:  Wade Burton to Don Turcotte, Status:  MOREINFO to OPEN

<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 09/07/04  09:12:13>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Wade Burton

<< Don Turcotte  --  09/07/04  09:12:01>>
After discussing this with Steve, I think this is correct as is. The M value reported in the edit window agrees with the M value reported to stats.  The M1 value is simply a convenient label for an additional value reported to stats.  This should not cause a problem for customers since the original code erroneously reported the same value for both M and M1 and now they are distinct values.

<< Steve Barber  --  08/24/04  17:57:48>>

Finally looked at the program. The value of M1 going to the db is either the min or max - based on some logic I took out of DIMENSIO.CPP ::dimension_line(). The M value is the same as the MEASURED value displayed on the edit window - in this case it would be -0.021. I guess they are saying the Measured value being sent the the stats for the M value is wrong - this does match what PCDMIS is displaying on the edit window. To accomodate this, the logic for the M1 value should be put back & I'll let you & Wade decide how the value of M should be computed.


<< Changes made by Steve Barber -- 08/24/04  17:58:15>>
Action:  Steve Barber to Don Turcotte

<< Don Turcotte  --  08/24/04  16:43:59>>
The question here is with Profile Dimension reporting Form and Location.  What do the stats expect M and M1 to be.

<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 08/24/04  16:43:59>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Steve Barber, Status:  OPEN to MOREINFO

<< Steve Barber  --  08/24/04  16:38:59>>
M1 is the name of the axis/variable being saved to DP - see #216580. Its in addition to M. I added M1 to the output

<< Wade Burton  --  08/24/04  09:54:39>>
I don't think so.  The M pre-dates my time here, but it reflects that this measurement is a unit of length (I can't figure out which word M actually represents, though), as opposed to when it is an A, which represents that the unit is an angle, either in degrees or radians.  I don't think having M1 instead of M in the edit window would really mean anything else, as the dimension is already marked as being FORMANDLOCATION.  

It's a different story in the stats file, however, as the M1 is being used by dpupdate.exe to distinguish between the M so it knows that these fields are from the max and min, or the measured value.  I believe when it is displayed in DataPage that it will still display that one as M instead of M1, so the M1 is only used at the time of parsing this file so Steve knows which variable the value should be placed in.

<< Changes made by Wade Burton -- 08/24/04  09:54:53>>
Action:  Wade Burton to Don Turcotte

<< Don Turcotte  --  08/24/04  08:33:40>>
I can switch these, but the edit window reports a single value which is the form and location, and this line is labeled M.

AX   NOMINAL     +TOL       -TOL       MEAS        MAX        MIN        DEV      OUTTOL   
M    0.000000   0.010000   0.010000  -0.021000  -0.000995  -0.021000  -0.021000   0.011000 <--------

Should the edit window value also be changed to M1?

<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 08/24/04  08:34:06>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Wade Burton

<< Wade Burton  --  08/23/04  12:33:27>>

Don, something doesn't look right to me here:

Here's my new xstats11.tmp line output for the two dimensions:

DIM2: PROF2SCN1M1      0.000000     0.010000     0.010000     0.020005
DIM2: PROF2SCN1M      0.000000     0.020000     0.000000    -0.021000

It appears in the code (and verified from this output) that we've changed the form and location option, not the form only option.  In other words, the first one here, M1 is the form and location option, but it's the one that is outputting it as the difference between max and min, while M is the form only option, and that's the one that's still outputting negative.  It needs to be the other way around.  So the previous calculation of the measured value for the form and location needs to be restored where it outputs M1, but where it does get_measured() for the M case it needs to be the difference between between the max and the min.

<< Changes made by Wade Burton -- 08/23/04  12:33:51>>
Action:  Wade Burton to Don Turcotte, Status:  REVIEW to OPEN

<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 08/16/04  13:42:50>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Wade Burton, Status:  OPEN to REVIEW

<< Don Turcotte  --  08/16/04  13:42:23>>
Fixed in BASIC_DI.CPP for both V3.6 and V4.0 (not V37R).  Based on e-mail from Steve B.
  "I think what you need to look at is in BASIC_DI.CPP –    savestats() function (also GetRecordPartInfo() in v4.0).    It checks for DIMENSION_PROFILE_SURFACE/DIMENSION_PROFILE_LINE and will add M1 value for the stats output."

Steve should probably also review this since it affects stats output.

Files inserted to server

<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 08/11/04  15:59:34>>
Category:  dimensions to GD&T, Action:  Tim Wernicke to Don Turcotte, Assigned:   to Don Turcotte, Priority:  to Medium
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