"real time" digital controls
i am involved in global positioning system user equipment. i am interested in any information in which trade studies have been made between achieved positional accuracy and response time.
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please elaborate; your question is unclear.
response time of what? it's irrelevant by itself and only meaningful when related to a speed, e.g., you can have absurdly slow response, so long as you go slow, in which case you can still achieve the desired accuracy.
i am involved in global positioning system user equipment. i am interested in any information in which trade studies have been made between achieved positional accuracy and response time.
clarification:i was asking if there have been any studies of accuracy vs response time. i agree that slow response could mean very accurate but vehicle response even in the frequency range of 10 to 20 hertz range can produce much larger errors. another way of phraseing it would be "what is the throughput time or frequency respones of the user vehicle receiver?"
technically, you can only get updates of gps at 1 hz rate, which is set by the gps satellite, so still unclear about you're asking, since every receiver meets the 1 hz update rate.
technically, accuracy is fixed by the diddling of the satellite signal, so response time of receiver is irrelevant again.
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