100+ year old steel framed building
i need to find information about the old steel beams in this building. i have 15" deep beams w/ 5.5" flanges that are 1/2" think. does anyone know what i should use for fy? and what edition of the aisc code is applicable to the time this building was built? (the current owner said it was build sometime between 1895-1905) the oldest edition i have in 7th (blue book). thanks.
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i have posted this before and therefore it should be here somewhere embedded in these post somewhere. what you need to do is get a copy of the aisc's 1953 edition of iron and steel beams 1873 to 1952. this is a historical record of steel and wrought iron beams produced in that time span. one of the important things to re
moeit, if you will post a fax number, i can send you a table of early stress that were use from 1873 to 1952. |