' How to determine the current language in SolidWorks is running
' Problem:
' SolidWorks is now localised for many different languages.
' This means the menu names are presented in the local language.
' For addins which add to the SW menus, they need to know the
' names of various menus in their call to:
' SldWorks/Frame::AddMenuItem
' This sample code shows how to determine the current language
' and retrieve the local menu names for several of the standard
' SolidWorks menus.
' Preconditions:
' none
' Postconditions:
' none
Option Explicit
Public Enum swMenuIdentifiers_e
swFileMenu = 0
swEditMenu = 1
swViewMenu = 2
swInsertMenu = 3
swToolsMenu = 4
swWindowMenu = 5
swHelpMenu = 6
swDeveloperToolsMenu = 7
swViewToolbarsMenu = 8
End Enum
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks