anchor shaft design
i have a guy anchor block(dead man) 3m below ground with 2 back to back chanels @ 39 degrees as shaft coming out of it.
the shaft is 2m above grond and 3m inside ground. i have a lateral force of 10kn at the tip of anchor shaft.
my question is: for calculating moments on the shaft, will i be considering length of shaft outside the ground only( 2m in this case) or will it be from the anchor block to the free end( 5m from block)?
i doubt the ground would restrain the channels. i would go to the block. is that what you meant?
i was also thinking the same way but was not sure if soil would provide and grip or not.
lok, i'm no geotech. or soils expert so i can't say with certainty that the soil won't help, but i have a feeling it won't. when in doubt err on the conservative side. |