any tips in pipeline base / foundation?
good day!
i am looking into the forces involved in the design of a fire sprinkler pipeline foundation.
the diesel pump is pumping water from the sea to be used as a fire sprinkler water in a wharf. the pipe is inclined at around 40degrees and running around 26m up to the pump. the pump can generate and axial load of 3250kg. ( pump already has a foundation so am looking into the pipe support foundation)
my query would be :
1.) what are the forces involved in the design of the pipe supports? ( forces on the pipes itself ).
2.) any tips on the desing of this one?
3.) considering that the pipes will be submerged in seawater at about 7m deep, what are the forces to be considered coming from the movement of current?
4.) is the 3.0m span per pipe base/foundation enough?
thanks and best regards.