autolisp problem
what's limited area?
riku (visitor)4 jun 01 2:01
what erase all needless outside from image field... actually my problem are how i use erase command, limit image field and give variables??
program have make to autocad14
riku ahola (visitor)5 jun 01 2:25
one more question. how i program automatic loading code for autocad14 what load 1.dwg and save then open 2.dwg and save.....
visitor (visitor)17 jun 01 14:45
"cadalyst" magazine has a web site with the code you want. you will need to find the "get code" page and look through their code, month-by-month and the code descriptions. the autolisp code is free to download. i'm fairly sure it's there and examples of how to write dcl code. |