beam formulas for non-uniform load
looking for the beam formulas for a tapering uniform load, not a constant uniform load like aisc beam diagram #4 (w1 going to w2).
many thanks for any info.
aisc and aitc manuals have these, plus many others, to include western woods use book.
mike mccann
mccann engineering
look under 'beams' in the first site below.
the book list could be endless.
roark for a starting point.
or if you wanted to refresh your memory, you could work it out from first principles.
i don't have my 13th edition manual in front of me, but i am looking at the 9th edition (green book) and i see case #2 has a triangular load distribution and case #3 has two triangular loads with the maximum at midspan.
also, like 40818 mentions, this wouldn't be very hard to work out. the hardest thing would be deflection, but even that isn't very difficult as long as ei is constant over the length of the beam. i prefer castigliano's method for deflections, but using conjugate beam is pretty simple, too.
if the load didn't taper too much, using the average would be near enough ...
superposition of a constant udl and a triangular dl would give you the right answer.
gosh, hand calcs would work too, (it ain't rocket science) |