can/csa s16-01 steel beam-column design
when designing a beam-column to can/csa s16-01, non-uniform moment are taken into account in two places:
when calculating mu, omega 2 accounts for the non-uniform moments as a function of the moments at the ends of the (laterally) unbraced length.
when calculating the combined axial force and bending moment effects, omega 1 accounts for the non-uniform moments as function of the moments at the ends of the member.
am i correct in saying that these two omega values are essentially different although they account for the same thing - the ends of a member and the unbraced ends may not necessarily be the same thing? please could someone shed some more light on this topic for me. thanks.
they are two different values representing similar conditions.
w1(omega1) = 0.6 - 0.4(m1/m2) but is >= 0.4 where m1 is the smaller end moment
w2 = 1.75 + 1.05(m1/m2) + 0.3 (m1/m2)^2 <= 2.5 and is equal to 1.0 for a moment within the span.
dik |