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concrete rebar placement drawings

发表于 2009-9-8 12:30:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
concrete rebar placement drawings
do you require concrete rebar placement drawings/shop drawings for every job?  if not, when do you make the requirement necessary.   
i have a contractor saying he never has had to submit these.  even though this is a relatively simple building concrete wise, we have a number of embeds on the project and required them.    i told him he needed to submit them because they were required as part of the specs and drawings, but now he is going to the owner and arch saying we are adding un-neccesary costs to the job.
what are your typical practices?   
tell the owner and architect that they have added an unnecessary contractor to the job.  
this requirement as the project structural engineer is your call, and yours alone.  if the requirement is listed in the job specifications, then this is not an extra.  tell the architect and owner that this is not an extra and the contractor is just whining because he missed it in the bid.  make him fulfill the contract, and really peruse all requests for payment from this point forward.  this guy obviously bid low to get the job, hoping to make the difference on extras.  give him no quarter here.
mike mccann
mmc engineering
i like the way you think mike.   
when in doubt, just take the next small step.

thanks for the star - just doing my job.   
mike mccann
mmc engineering
check his math and re-measure his "as-placed" positions on those embeds very, very carefully.
if he is low-balling/irritated at the work and contract conditions, underneath poured concrete is a good place to hide all of your frustrations.   
and, under the circumstnces, if you cannot physically verify it, it being anything beyond this point, then the rule is to tear it out and do it again - at his cost and to your satisfaction as the owner's representative.
man, but i'm bitchy tonight!
mike mccann
mmc engineering
i worked on a not-to-be-named caribbean island where the common argument was "we've never had to submit them on anything before" in conjunction with "aren't all the bars are on your drawings, right?" even the architects tried to convince us they weren't needed. sometimes we gave in, but on a particularly complicated one we pushed and ended up getting "shop drawings" either hand-drawn or marked up in red pen on blowups of our plans. it wasn't exactly what we expected but it did the job.
if it's not included in the specifications, included in the drawing notes, or listed in a referenced code of practice, it is likely an extra to contract. best to review the specs and the drawings prior to giving an answer.
msquared48 - did you get your wife's visa bill today??  
i assume this is in the us, and these were always required when i practiced there.  in australia where i now live, reinforcing shop drawings are unheard of.  it always amazes me that they get the bars correct, or at least mostly so, by just using bar lists and the structural engineer's drawings.
just for info, i have been specing/getting shop drawings provided for my transfer slabs and columns in australia. no complains yet, because genrally the major steel suppliers do shop drawings, just engineers don't want to see them.   
when in doubt, just take the next small step.
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