reporting results have different decimal (Qili: it is actually a FCF problem)
<< Jean Wang -- 07/02/06 11:32:55>>
I have create a inspection report of the profile, I found that the results decimals are different among tolerence, measured value and hits deviations, please check the report file "decimal_report.rar" on the server.
<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 12/12/08 09:27:48>>
Action: Don Turcotte to Yanhua Huang
<< Paola Pallo -- 12/19/06 12:36:51>>
Done .
For review :
<< Changes made by Paola Pallo -- 12/19/06 12:37:10>>
Action: Paola Pallo to Don Turcotte
<< Don Turcotte -- 09/14/06 08:23:40>>
Paola, the same change needs to be applied to LINE3_PLUSTOL. Also, the line
tmpStr = dblstr(m_pPartProgram, tmp_dbl);
can be deleted since this is no longer used.
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 09/14/06 08:23:59>>
Action: David Petrizze to Paola Pallo
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 09/14/06 08:23:40>>
Action: Don Turcotte to David Petrizze
<< Paola Pallo -- 07/10/06 17:14:03>>
Looking at decimal_report.jpg, and also opening the attached PRG, it's evident that the problem is related only to '+TOL' field, which is not displayed in the report according to current DISPLAYPRECISION format .
I reworked CPCDFeatCtrlFrm::get_data() for " case D_TYPES:INE2_PLUSTOL: ", in order to return D_TYPES:_TYPEDouble as equivalently done for D_TYPES:INE2_MINUSTOL.
For review:
<< Changes made by Paola Pallo -- 07/10/06 17:14:08>>
Action: Paola Pallo to Don Turcotte, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Changes made by Paola Pallo -- 07/07/06 15:04:17>>
Product: Spiral Bevel Gear to PC-DMIS
<< Changes made by Qili Sun -- 07/07/06 18:39:25>>
Category: GD&T to , Action: Qili Sun to Paola Pallo, Product: PC-DMIS to Spiral Bevel Gear
<< Jean Wang -- 07/07/06 11:43:46>>
I found that if I use the new format to evaluate the dimensions the reporting decimals are different between tolerence and the other data in the dimension cells. if I use the old method to report, they work fine,please see the screen shot file report_shot.rar on the server.
<< Changes made by Jean Wang -- 07/07/06 11:43:47>>
Action: Paola Pallo to Qili Sun
<< Changes made by Bill Wilcox -- 07/06/06 23:47:06>>
Priority: Critical to High
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 07/06/06 09:04:54>>
Category: Reporting to GD&T, Action: Tim Wernicke to Paola Pallo, Assigned: Qili Sun to Paola Pallo
<< Changes made by Jean Wang -- 07/06/06 15:49:45>>
Priority: Medium to Critical
<< Qili Sun -- 07/06/06 15:42:29>>
Hi Tim, Please assign it to a FCF person.
<< Changes made by Qili Sun -- 07/06/06 15:42:41>>
Action: Jean Wang to Tim Wernicke
<< Qili Sun -- 07/06/06 15:41:21>>
The DType "LINE2_PLUSTOL" is not assigned with the correct number of decimal digtis as other DType's in "FeatCtrlFrm.cpp".
<< Qili Sun -- 07/04/06 18:17:07>>
Hi Jean, this should not be a problem. PC-DMIS provides a expression "FORMAT" to define decimal point position. I have attached a new Line2.lbl with the "FORMAT" expression setting the decimal to 5 digits after the point.
<< Changes made by Qili Sun -- 07/04/06 17:51:39>>
Action: Tim Wernicke to Jean Wang, Assigned: to Qili Sun, Priority: to Medium
<<END>> |